4.1 Introduction to data frames

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Introduction to data frames

Start by loading the usual plotting libraries.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# Make plots look a little bit more fancy

Pandas is a Python package that implements data frames, and functions that operate on data frames.

import pandas as pd

Data frames and series

We start by loading data from a Comma Separated Value file (CSV file). If you are running on your laptop, you should download the gender_stats.csv file to the same directory as this notebook.

# Load the data file
gender_data = pd.read_csv('gender_stats.csv')

This is our usual assignment statement. The LHS is gender_data, the variable name. The RHS is an expression, that returns a value.

What type of value does it return?


Pandas integrates with the Notebook, so, if you display a data frame in the notebook, it does a nice display of rows and columns.

country fert_rate gdp health_exp_per_cap health_exp_pub prim_ed_girls mat_mort_ratio population
0 Afghanistan 4.954500 1.996102e+10 161.138034 2.834598 40.109708 444.00 3.271584e+07
1 Albania 1.769250 1.232759e+10 574.202694 2.836021 47.201082 29.25 2.888280e+06
2 Algeria 2.866000 1.907346e+11 870.766508 4.984252 47.675617 142.50 3.909906e+07
3 American Samoa NaN 6.405000e+08 NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.542200e+04
4 Andorra NaN 3.197538e+09 4421.224933 7.260281 47.123345 NaN 7.954740e+04
5 Angola 6.123000 1.119365e+11 254.747970 2.447546 NaN 501.25 2.693754e+07
6 Antigua and Barbuda 2.082000 1.298213e+09 1152.493656 3.676514 48.291463 NaN 9.887240e+04
7 Arab World 3.397587 2.709059e+12 761.401727 2.873840 47.119776 161.00 3.899620e+08
8 Argentina 2.328000 5.509810e+11 1148.256142 2.782216 48.915810 53.75 4.297667e+07
9 Armenia 1.545500 1.088536e+10 348.663884 1.916016 46.782180 27.25 2.904683e+06
10 Aruba 1.663250 NaN NaN NaN 48.721939 NaN 1.037444e+05
11 Australia 1.861500 1.422994e+12 4256.058988 6.292381 48.576707 6.00 2.344456e+07
12 Austria 1.455000 4.074943e+11 4930.298893 8.504276 48.556078 4.00 8.566294e+06
13 Azerbaijan 1.980000 6.200300e+10 956.709718 1.197249 46.157363 25.25 9.531856e+06
14 Bahamas, The 1.877250 8.688000e+09 1727.128385 3.308626 NaN 81.50 3.819036e+05
15 Bahrain 2.065250 3.200401e+10 2030.158316 2.976386 49.116838 15.25 1.349810e+06
16 Bangladesh 2.193250 1.745451e+11 85.968844 0.860447 50.460564 194.75 1.593712e+08
17 Barbados 1.792250 4.413080e+09 1062.840088 4.828680 48.878181 28.00 2.833384e+05
18 Belarus 1.677000 6.478294e+10 986.236757 3.876601 48.685741 4.00 9.480348e+06
19 Belgium 1.755000 4.942218e+11 4297.838005 8.221003 48.864675 7.00 1.122850e+07
20 Belize 2.594750 1.680325e+09 471.967465 3.744844 48.317238 29.25 3.517636e+05
21 Benin 4.806750 8.778151e+09 83.726190 2.206916 47.211127 417.50 1.029371e+07
22 Bermuda 1.617500 5.555624e+09 NaN NaN 48.423588 NaN 6.510080e+04
23 Bhutan 2.061250 1.975145e+09 277.526670 2.706908 49.572296 161.75 7.759054e+05
24 Bolivia 2.995250 3.150932e+10 381.007594 4.192031 48.464175 218.25 1.056280e+07
25 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.267000 1.732333e+10 941.504655 6.841021 48.634905 11.75 3.574396e+06
26 Botswana 2.845000 1.511339e+10 880.909202 3.552071 48.844009 138.75 2.169170e+06
27 Brazil 1.795250 2.198766e+12 1303.199104 3.773473 47.784577 49.50 2.041595e+08
28 British Virgin Islands NaN NaN NaN NaN 47.581520 NaN 2.958540e+04
29 Brunei Darussalam 1.884000 1.571922e+10 1795.924160 2.335194 48.523699 23.75 4.115812e+05
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
233 Syrian Arab Republic 2.967750 NaN 269.945739 1.507166 48.047394 62.00 1.931967e+07
234 Tajikistan 3.495750 8.036228e+09 169.745970 1.976367 48.260680 33.25 8.363844e+06
235 Tanzania 5.181250 4.493554e+10 131.704162 2.648609 50.666580 429.50 5.228132e+07
236 Thailand 1.516750 4.061369e+11 581.927487 3.183842 48.213034 21.00 6.838499e+07
237 Timor-Leste 5.797750 1.361430e+09 98.577296 1.140440 48.337367 240.25 1.212718e+06
238 Togo 4.620000 4.183610e+09 71.263825 2.037809 48.270471 380.75 7.230904e+06
239 Tonga 3.745750 4.391789e+08 250.962504 3.987285 47.697931 129.25 1.059094e+05
240 Trinidad and Tobago 1.782750 2.457095e+10 1778.148073 3.071370 NaN 63.25 1.353877e+06
241 Tunisia 2.140000 4.482437e+10 782.950522 4.118771 48.142132 63.25 1.114441e+07
242 Turkey 2.078000 8.951756e+11 997.374772 4.189521 48.789477 17.50 7.703435e+07
243 Turkmenistan 2.313750 3.797310e+10 288.572644 1.349303 48.906879 43.50 5.465637e+06
244 Turks and Caicos Islands NaN NaN NaN NaN 48.846884 NaN 3.370340e+04
245 Tuvalu NaN 3.646999e+07 563.500592 15.506929 47.472414 NaN 1.091000e+04
246 Uganda 5.822500 2.594146e+10 132.892684 2.014349 50.099485 366.50 3.886534e+07
247 Ukraine 1.510250 1.353793e+11 628.579254 3.960185 48.984198 24.25 4.530270e+07
248 United Arab Emirates 1.793000 3.750271e+11 2202.407569 2.581168 48.789260 6.00 9.080299e+06
249 United Kingdom 1.842500 2.768864e+12 3357.983675 7.720655 48.791809 9.25 6.464156e+07
250 United States 1.860875 1.736912e+13 9060.068657 8.121961 48.758830 14.00 3.185582e+08
251 Upper middle income 1.795244 2.097441e+13 870.897512 3.358153 47.112001 43.25 2.540966e+09
252 Uruguay 2.027000 5.434513e+10 1721.507752 6.044403 48.295555 15.50 3.419977e+06
253 Uzbekistan 2.372750 6.134065e+10 334.476754 3.118842 48.387434 37.00 3.078450e+07
254 Vanuatu 3.364750 7.828760e+08 125.568712 3.689874 47.301617 82.50 2.588964e+05
255 Venezuela, RB 2.378250 3.761463e+11 896.815314 1.587088 48.400934 97.00 3.073452e+07
256 Vietnam 1.959500 1.818207e+11 368.374550 3.779501 48.021053 54.75 9.074240e+07
257 Virgin Islands (U.S.) 1.760000 3.812000e+09 NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.041414e+05
258 West Bank and Gaza 4.208000 1.250822e+10 NaN NaN 48.828520 47.50 4.296960e+06
259 World 2.464282 7.613006e+13 1223.941243 5.947058 48.076575 223.75 7.269321e+09
260 Yemen, Rep. 4.225750 3.681934e+10 207.949700 1.417836 44.470076 399.75 2.624661e+07
261 Zambia 5.394250 2.428099e+10 185.556359 2.687290 49.934484 233.75 1.563322e+07
262 Zimbabwe 3.943000 1.549551e+10 115.519881 2.695188 49.529875 398.00 1.542096e+07

263 rows × 8 columns

The data frame has rows and columns. Like other Python objects, it has attributes. These are pieces of data associated with the data frame. You have already seen methods, which are functions associated with the data frame. You can access attributes in the same way as you access methods, by typing the variable name, followed by a dot ., followed by the attribute name.

For example, one attribute of the data frame, is the shape:

(263, 8)

Another attribute is columns. This has the column names. For example, here is a good way of quickly seeing the column names for a data frame:

Index(['country', 'fert_rate', 'gdp', 'health_exp_per_cap', 'health_exp_pub',
       'prim_ed_girls', 'mat_mort_ratio', 'population'],

You need more information about what these column names refer to. Here are the longer descriptions from the original data source (link above):

  • fert_rate: Fertility rate, total (births per woman).
  • gdp: GDP (current US$).
  • health_exp_per_cap: Health expenditure per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international \$).
  • health_exp_pub: Health expenditure, public (% of GDP).
  • prim_ed_girls: Primary education, pupils (% female).
  • mat_mort_ratio: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births).
  • population: Population, total.

You have just seen array slicing (in Selecting with arrays. You remember that array slicing uses square brackets. Data frames also allow slicing. For example, we often want to get all the data for a single column of the data frame. To do this, we use the same square bracket notation as we use for array slicing, with the name of the column inside the square brackets.

gdp = gender_data['gdp']

What type of thing is this column of data?


Here are the values for gdp. You will notice that these are the same values you saw in the “gdp” column when you displayed the whole data frame.

0      1.996102e+10
1      1.232759e+10
2      1.907346e+11
3      6.405000e+08
4      3.197538e+09
5      1.119365e+11
6      1.298213e+09
7      2.709059e+12
8      5.509810e+11
9      1.088536e+10
10              NaN
11     1.422994e+12
12     4.074943e+11
13     6.200300e+10
14     8.688000e+09
15     3.200401e+10
16     1.745451e+11
17     4.413080e+09
18     6.478294e+10
19     4.942218e+11
20     1.680325e+09
21     8.778151e+09
22     5.555624e+09
23     1.975145e+09
24     3.150932e+10
25     1.732333e+10
26     1.511339e+10
27     2.198766e+12
28              NaN
29     1.571922e+10
233             NaN
234    8.036228e+09
235    4.493554e+10
236    4.061369e+11
237    1.361430e+09
238    4.183610e+09
239    4.391789e+08
240    2.457095e+10
241    4.482437e+10
242    8.951756e+11
243    3.797310e+10
244             NaN
245    3.646999e+07
246    2.594146e+10
247    1.353793e+11
248    3.750271e+11
249    2.768864e+12
250    1.736912e+13
251    2.097441e+13
252    5.434513e+10
253    6.134065e+10
254    7.828760e+08
255    3.761463e+11
256    1.818207e+11
257    3.812000e+09
258    1.250822e+10
259    7.613006e+13
260    3.681934e+10
261    2.428099e+10
262    1.549551e+10
Name: gdp, Length: 263, dtype: float64

What are these values like 6.405000e+08? These are numbers, in scientific notation. Scientific notation is a compact way of writing very large or very small numbers. The value after e above is the exponent, in this case 08. The number above means $6.405

  • 10^8$. For example, here is $2 * 10^7$:

Missing values and NaN

Looking at the values of gdp (and therefore, the values of the gdp column of gender_data, we see that some of the values are NaN, which means Not a Number. Pandas uses this marker to indicate values that are not available, or missing data.

Numpy does not like to calculate with NaN values. Here is Numpy trying to calculate the median of the gdp values.


Notice the warning about an invalid value.

Numpy recognizes that one or more values are NaN and refuses to guess what to do, when calculating the median.

You saw from the shape above that gender_data has 263 rows. We can use the general Python len function, to see how many elements there are in gdp.


As expected, it has the same number of elements as there are rows in gender_data.

The count method of the series gives the number of values that are not missing - that is - not NaN.


Plotting with methods

The gdp variable is a sequence of values, so we can do a histogram on these values, as we have done histograms on arrays.



Notice the multiple warnings as Matplotlib tried to calculate the bin widths for the histogram. These are from the NaN values.

Another way to do the histogram, is to use the hist method of the series.

A method is a function attached to a value. In this case hist is a function attached to a value of type Series.

Using the hist method instead of the plt.hist function can make the code a bit easier to read. The method also has the advantage that it discards the NaN values, by default, so it does not generate the same warnings.



Now we have had a look at the GDP values, we will look at the values for the mat_mort_ratio column. These are the numbers of women who die in childbirth for every 100,000 births.

mmr = gender_data['mat_mort_ratio']
0      444.00
1       29.25
2      142.50
3         NaN
4         NaN
5      501.25
6         NaN
7      161.00
8       53.75
9       27.25
10        NaN
11       6.00
12       4.00
13      25.25
14      81.50
15      15.25
16     194.75
17      28.00
18       4.00
19       7.00
20      29.25
21     417.50
22        NaN
23     161.75
24     218.25
25      11.75
26     138.75
27      49.50
28        NaN
29      23.75
233     62.00
234     33.25
235    429.50
236     21.00
237    240.25
238    380.75
239    129.25
240     63.25
241     63.25
242     17.50
243     43.50
244       NaN
245       NaN
246    366.50
247     24.25
248      6.00
249      9.25
250     14.00
251     43.25
252     15.50
253     37.00
254     82.50
255     97.00
256     54.75
257       NaN
258     47.50
259    223.75
260    399.75
261    233.75
262    398.00
Name: mat_mort_ratio, Length: 263, dtype: float64


We are interested in the relationship of gpp and mmr. Maybe richer countries have better health care, and fewer maternal deaths.

Here is a plot, using the standard Matplotlib scatter function.

plt.scatter(gdp, mmr);


We can do the same plot using the plot.scatter method on the data frame. In that case, we specify the column names that should go on the x and the y axes.

gender_data.plot.scatter('gdp', 'mat_mort_ratio');


An advantage of doing it this way is that we get the column names on the x and y axes by default.

Showing the top 5 values with the head method

We have already seen that Pandas will display the data frame with nice formatting. If the data frame is long, it will display only the first few and the last few rows:

country fert_rate gdp health_exp_per_cap health_exp_pub prim_ed_girls mat_mort_ratio population
0 Afghanistan 4.954500 1.996102e+10 161.138034 2.834598 40.109708 444.00 3.271584e+07
1 Albania 1.769250 1.232759e+10 574.202694 2.836021 47.201082 29.25 2.888280e+06
2 Algeria 2.866000 1.907346e+11 870.766508 4.984252 47.675617 142.50 3.909906e+07
3 American Samoa NaN 6.405000e+08 NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.542200e+04
4 Andorra NaN 3.197538e+09 4421.224933 7.260281 47.123345 NaN 7.954740e+04
5 Angola 6.123000 1.119365e+11 254.747970 2.447546 NaN 501.25 2.693754e+07
6 Antigua and Barbuda 2.082000 1.298213e+09 1152.493656 3.676514 48.291463 NaN 9.887240e+04
7 Arab World 3.397587 2.709059e+12 761.401727 2.873840 47.119776 161.00 3.899620e+08
8 Argentina 2.328000 5.509810e+11 1148.256142 2.782216 48.915810 53.75 4.297667e+07
9 Armenia 1.545500 1.088536e+10 348.663884 1.916016 46.782180 27.25 2.904683e+06
10 Aruba 1.663250 NaN NaN NaN 48.721939 NaN 1.037444e+05
11 Australia 1.861500 1.422994e+12 4256.058988 6.292381 48.576707 6.00 2.344456e+07
12 Austria 1.455000 4.074943e+11 4930.298893 8.504276 48.556078 4.00 8.566294e+06
13 Azerbaijan 1.980000 6.200300e+10 956.709718 1.197249 46.157363 25.25 9.531856e+06
14 Bahamas, The 1.877250 8.688000e+09 1727.128385 3.308626 NaN 81.50 3.819036e+05
15 Bahrain 2.065250 3.200401e+10 2030.158316 2.976386 49.116838 15.25 1.349810e+06
16 Bangladesh 2.193250 1.745451e+11 85.968844 0.860447 50.460564 194.75 1.593712e+08
17 Barbados 1.792250 4.413080e+09 1062.840088 4.828680 48.878181 28.00 2.833384e+05
18 Belarus 1.677000 6.478294e+10 986.236757 3.876601 48.685741 4.00 9.480348e+06
19 Belgium 1.755000 4.942218e+11 4297.838005 8.221003 48.864675 7.00 1.122850e+07
20 Belize 2.594750 1.680325e+09 471.967465 3.744844 48.317238 29.25 3.517636e+05
21 Benin 4.806750 8.778151e+09 83.726190 2.206916 47.211127 417.50 1.029371e+07
22 Bermuda 1.617500 5.555624e+09 NaN NaN 48.423588 NaN 6.510080e+04
23 Bhutan 2.061250 1.975145e+09 277.526670 2.706908 49.572296 161.75 7.759054e+05
24 Bolivia 2.995250 3.150932e+10 381.007594 4.192031 48.464175 218.25 1.056280e+07
25 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.267000 1.732333e+10 941.504655 6.841021 48.634905 11.75 3.574396e+06
26 Botswana 2.845000 1.511339e+10 880.909202 3.552071 48.844009 138.75 2.169170e+06
27 Brazil 1.795250 2.198766e+12 1303.199104 3.773473 47.784577 49.50 2.041595e+08
28 British Virgin Islands NaN NaN NaN NaN 47.581520 NaN 2.958540e+04
29 Brunei Darussalam 1.884000 1.571922e+10 1795.924160 2.335194 48.523699 23.75 4.115812e+05
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
233 Syrian Arab Republic 2.967750 NaN 269.945739 1.507166 48.047394 62.00 1.931967e+07
234 Tajikistan 3.495750 8.036228e+09 169.745970 1.976367 48.260680 33.25 8.363844e+06
235 Tanzania 5.181250 4.493554e+10 131.704162 2.648609 50.666580 429.50 5.228132e+07
236 Thailand 1.516750 4.061369e+11 581.927487 3.183842 48.213034 21.00 6.838499e+07
237 Timor-Leste 5.797750 1.361430e+09 98.577296 1.140440 48.337367 240.25 1.212718e+06
238 Togo 4.620000 4.183610e+09 71.263825 2.037809 48.270471 380.75 7.230904e+06
239 Tonga 3.745750 4.391789e+08 250.962504 3.987285 47.697931 129.25 1.059094e+05
240 Trinidad and Tobago 1.782750 2.457095e+10 1778.148073 3.071370 NaN 63.25 1.353877e+06
241 Tunisia 2.140000 4.482437e+10 782.950522 4.118771 48.142132 63.25 1.114441e+07
242 Turkey 2.078000 8.951756e+11 997.374772 4.189521 48.789477 17.50 7.703435e+07
243 Turkmenistan 2.313750 3.797310e+10 288.572644 1.349303 48.906879 43.50 5.465637e+06
244 Turks and Caicos Islands NaN NaN NaN NaN 48.846884 NaN 3.370340e+04
245 Tuvalu NaN 3.646999e+07 563.500592 15.506929 47.472414 NaN 1.091000e+04
246 Uganda 5.822500 2.594146e+10 132.892684 2.014349 50.099485 366.50 3.886534e+07
247 Ukraine 1.510250 1.353793e+11 628.579254 3.960185 48.984198 24.25 4.530270e+07
248 United Arab Emirates 1.793000 3.750271e+11 2202.407569 2.581168 48.789260 6.00 9.080299e+06
249 United Kingdom 1.842500 2.768864e+12 3357.983675 7.720655 48.791809 9.25 6.464156e+07
250 United States 1.860875 1.736912e+13 9060.068657 8.121961 48.758830 14.00 3.185582e+08
251 Upper middle income 1.795244 2.097441e+13 870.897512 3.358153 47.112001 43.25 2.540966e+09
252 Uruguay 2.027000 5.434513e+10 1721.507752 6.044403 48.295555 15.50 3.419977e+06
253 Uzbekistan 2.372750 6.134065e+10 334.476754 3.118842 48.387434 37.00 3.078450e+07
254 Vanuatu 3.364750 7.828760e+08 125.568712 3.689874 47.301617 82.50 2.588964e+05
255 Venezuela, RB 2.378250 3.761463e+11 896.815314 1.587088 48.400934 97.00 3.073452e+07
256 Vietnam 1.959500 1.818207e+11 368.374550 3.779501 48.021053 54.75 9.074240e+07
257 Virgin Islands (U.S.) 1.760000 3.812000e+09 NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.041414e+05
258 West Bank and Gaza 4.208000 1.250822e+10 NaN NaN 48.828520 47.50 4.296960e+06
259 World 2.464282 7.613006e+13 1223.941243 5.947058 48.076575 223.75 7.269321e+09
260 Yemen, Rep. 4.225750 3.681934e+10 207.949700 1.417836 44.470076 399.75 2.624661e+07
261 Zambia 5.394250 2.428099e+10 185.556359 2.687290 49.934484 233.75 1.563322e+07
262 Zimbabwe 3.943000 1.549551e+10 115.519881 2.695188 49.529875 398.00 1.542096e+07

263 rows × 8 columns

Notice the ... in the center of this listing, to show that it has not printed some rows.

Sometimes we do not want to see all these rows, but only - say - the top five rows. The head method of the data frame is a useful way to do this:

country fert_rate gdp health_exp_per_cap health_exp_pub prim_ed_girls mat_mort_ratio population
0 Afghanistan 4.95450 1.996102e+10 161.138034 2.834598 40.109708 444.00 32715838.4
1 Albania 1.76925 1.232759e+10 574.202694 2.836021 47.201082 29.25 2888280.2
2 Algeria 2.86600 1.907346e+11 870.766508 4.984252 47.675617 142.50 39099060.4
3 American Samoa NaN 6.405000e+08 NaN NaN NaN NaN 55422.0
4 Andorra NaN 3.197538e+09 4421.224933 7.260281 47.123345 NaN 79547.4

The Series also has a head method, that does the same thing:

0    1.996102e+10
1    1.232759e+10
2    1.907346e+11
3    6.405000e+08
4    3.197538e+09
Name: gdp, dtype: float64

Selecting rows

We often want to select rows from the data frame that match some criterion.

Say we want to select the rows corresponding the countries with a high GDP.

Looking at the histogram of gdp above, we could try this as a threshold to identify high GDP countries.

high_gdp = gdp > 1e13
0      False
1      False
2      False
3      False
4      False
5      False
6      False
7      False
8      False
9      False
10     False
11     False
12     False
13     False
14     False
15     False
16     False
17     False
18     False
19     False
20     False
21     False
22     False
23     False
24     False
25     False
26     False
27     False
28     False
29     False
233    False
234    False
235    False
236    False
237    False
238    False
239    False
240    False
241    False
242    False
243    False
244    False
245    False
246    False
247    False
248    False
249    False
250     True
251     True
252    False
253    False
254    False
255    False
256    False
257    False
258    False
259     True
260    False
261    False
262    False
Name: gdp, Length: 263, dtype: bool

Notice that high_gdp is a Boolean series, like the Boolean arrays you have already seen. It has True for elements corresponding to countries with gdp value greater than 1e13 and False otherwise.

We can use this Boolean series to select rows from the data frame. The loc attribute of the data frame allows us to LOCate values in the data frame. For our Boolean series, it works like this:

rich_gender_data = gender_data.loc[high_gdp]
country fert_rate gdp health_exp_per_cap health_exp_pub prim_ed_girls mat_mort_ratio population
44 China 1.558750 1.018279e+13 657.748859 3.015530 46.297964 28.75 1.364446e+09
60 Early-demographic dividend 2.636376 1.019283e+13 392.428268 2.595967 48.651143 169.00 3.083697e+09
61 East Asia & Pacific 1.781424 2.168128e+13 835.974259 4.687596 47.212490 63.00 2.265974e+09
62 East Asia & Pacific (IDA & IBRD) 1.811850 1.239991e+13 558.711100 2.815573 47.098031 66.75 1.996942e+09
63 East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income) 1.813950 1.242383e+13 558.702327 2.815498 47.115173 66.75 2.022090e+09
71 Euro area 1.551004 1.255692e+13 3913.466364 7.956080 48.610030 6.50 3.384615e+08
72 Europe & Central Asia 1.738094 2.191519e+13 2518.566323 7.130694 48.653599 16.75 9.032073e+08
75 European Union 1.570012 1.731910e+13 3448.910224 7.816628 48.658777 8.00 5.082110e+08
98 High income 1.686585 4.884635e+13 5045.885008 7.602022 48.701030 10.00 1.175934e+09
102 IBRD only 2.103185 2.607726e+13 625.357428 3.104682 48.026892 106.25 4.607548e+09
103 IDA & IBRD total 2.587557 2.803020e+13 507.044258 3.013687 47.896337 244.75 6.113147e+09
128 Late-demographic dividend 1.667820 1.862014e+13 838.259199 3.335746 47.046383 36.00 2.235352e+09
140 Low & middle income 2.595258 2.724634e+13 498.193061 2.982075 NaN 245.25 6.089148e+09
160 Middle income 2.361746 2.691014e+13 542.340940 2.996480 48.044140 185.75 5.468296e+09
177 North America 1.834404 1.908336e+13 8615.535450 8.066182 48.708683 13.50 3.541404e+08
180 OECD members 1.749418 4.787743e+13 4566.959377 7.636198 48.704364 15.00 1.273149e+09
193 Post-demographic dividend 1.636470 4.541806e+13 5124.214162 7.858170 48.649863 10.75 1.092637e+09
250 United States 1.860875 1.736912e+13 9060.068657 8.121961 48.758830 14.00 3.185582e+08
251 Upper middle income 1.795244 2.097441e+13 870.897512 3.358153 47.112001 43.25 2.540966e+09
259 World 2.464282 7.613006e+13 1223.941243 5.947058 48.076575 223.75 7.269321e+09

rich_gender_data is a new data frame, that is a subset of the original gender_data frame. It contains only the rows where the GDP value is greater than 1e13 dollars. Check the display of rich_gender_data above to confirm that the values in the gdp column are all greater than 1e13.

We can do a scatter plot of GDP values against maternal mortality rate, and we find, oddly, that for rich countries, there is little relationship between GDP and maternal mortality.

rich_gender_data.plot.scatter('gdp', 'mat_mort_ratio')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1178bb7b8>


Sorting data frames

Data frames have a method sort_value. This returns a new data frame with the rows sorted by the values in the column we specify.

Here are the first five rows of the original data frame:

country fert_rate gdp health_exp_per_cap health_exp_pub prim_ed_girls mat_mort_ratio population
0 Afghanistan 4.95450 1.996102e+10 161.138034 2.834598 40.109708 444.00 32715838.4
1 Albania 1.76925 1.232759e+10 574.202694 2.836021 47.201082 29.25 2888280.2
2 Algeria 2.86600 1.907346e+11 870.766508 4.984252 47.675617 142.50 39099060.4
3 American Samoa NaN 6.405000e+08 NaN NaN NaN NaN 55422.0
4 Andorra NaN 3.197538e+09 4421.224933 7.260281 47.123345 NaN 79547.4

We can make a new data frame where the rows are sorted by the values in the gdp column:

gender_data_by_gdp = gender_data.sort_values('gdp')
country fert_rate gdp health_exp_per_cap health_exp_pub prim_ed_girls mat_mort_ratio population
245 Tuvalu NaN 3.646999e+07 563.500592 15.506929 47.472414 NaN 10910.0
169 Nauru NaN 1.063908e+08 611.020856 4.527932 49.409439 NaN 11695.4
121 Kiribati 3.74525 1.774306e+08 179.372383 8.279184 49.557255 95.0 110481.6
152 Marshall Islands NaN 1.843189e+08 657.059335 14.302529 48.397282 NaN 52882.8
185 Palau 2.22000 2.548400e+08 1389.993077 6.623460 46.425690 NaN 21112.6

Notice that the rows are in ascending order of gdp. You can imagine, that we often want descending order. As usual you can explore how you might do this by looking at the help for the sort_values method with:


in a new cell. If you do that, you discover the ascending argument, that you can use like this:

gender_data.sort_values('gdp', ascending=False)
country fert_rate gdp health_exp_per_cap health_exp_pub prim_ed_girls mat_mort_ratio population
259 World 2.464282 7.613006e+13 1223.941243 5.947058 48.076575 223.75 7.269321e+09
98 High income 1.686585 4.884635e+13 5045.885008 7.602022 48.701030 10.00 1.175934e+09
180 OECD members 1.749418 4.787743e+13 4566.959377 7.636198 48.704364 15.00 1.273149e+09
193 Post-demographic dividend 1.636470 4.541806e+13 5124.214162 7.858170 48.649863 10.75 1.092637e+09
103 IDA & IBRD total 2.587557 2.803020e+13 507.044258 3.013687 47.896337 244.75 6.113147e+09
140 Low & middle income 2.595258 2.724634e+13 498.193061 2.982075 NaN 245.25 6.089148e+09
160 Middle income 2.361746 2.691014e+13 542.340940 2.996480 48.044140 185.75 5.468296e+09
102 IBRD only 2.103185 2.607726e+13 625.357428 3.104682 48.026892 106.25 4.607548e+09
72 Europe & Central Asia 1.738094 2.191519e+13 2518.566323 7.130694 48.653599 16.75 9.032073e+08
61 East Asia & Pacific 1.781424 2.168128e+13 835.974259 4.687596 47.212490 63.00 2.265974e+09
251 Upper middle income 1.795244 2.097441e+13 870.897512 3.358153 47.112001 43.25 2.540966e+09
177 North America 1.834404 1.908336e+13 8615.535450 8.066182 48.708683 13.50 3.541404e+08
128 Late-demographic dividend 1.667820 1.862014e+13 838.259199 3.335746 47.046383 36.00 2.235352e+09
250 United States 1.860875 1.736912e+13 9060.068657 8.121961 48.758830 14.00 3.185582e+08
75 European Union 1.570012 1.731910e+13 3448.910224 7.816628 48.658777 8.00 5.082110e+08
71 Euro area 1.551004 1.255692e+13 3913.466364 7.956080 48.610030 6.50 3.384615e+08
63 East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income) 1.813950 1.242383e+13 558.702327 2.815498 47.115173 66.75 2.022090e+09
62 East Asia & Pacific (IDA & IBRD) 1.811850 1.239991e+13 558.711100 2.815573 47.098031 66.75 1.996942e+09
60 Early-demographic dividend 2.636376 1.019283e+13 392.428268 2.595967 48.651143 169.00 3.083697e+09
44 China 1.558750 1.018279e+13 657.748859 3.015530 46.297964 28.75 1.364446e+09
142 Lower middle income 2.877481 5.929275e+12 254.618642 1.657578 48.632937 262.50 2.927329e+09
129 Latin America & Caribbean 2.125164 5.845138e+12 1069.141865 3.659621 48.378604 70.75 6.242184e+08
130 Latin America & Caribbean (IDA & IBRD) 2.138122 5.636800e+12 1050.010897 3.585924 48.382980 71.50 6.080342e+08
131 Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income) 2.140742 5.377437e+12 1046.116268 3.638974 48.379046 72.75 5.969302e+08
117 Japan 1.430000 5.106025e+12 3687.126279 8.496074 48.744199 5.75 1.272971e+08
73 Europe & Central Asia (IDA & IBRD) 1.861440 4.213635e+12 1173.135713 3.878399 48.632033 24.00 4.505588e+08
74 Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income) 1.909466 3.710324e+12 1138.169165 3.794867 48.619737 25.50 4.125489e+08
85 Germany 1.450000 3.601226e+12 4909.659884 8.542615 48.568695 6.25 8.128164e+07
157 Middle East & North Africa 2.852531 3.380647e+12 912.491552 3.055660 47.621273 83.50 4.208876e+08
249 United Kingdom 1.842500 2.768864e+12 3357.983675 7.720655 48.791809 9.25 6.464156e+07
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
254 Vanuatu 3.364750 7.828760e+08 125.568712 3.689874 47.301617 82.50 2.588964e+05
224 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 1.986000 7.301068e+08 775.803386 4.365757 48.536415 45.75 1.094206e+05
3 American Samoa NaN 6.405000e+08 NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.542200e+04
46 Comoros 4.524000 6.039190e+08 99.221938 2.289039 47.515774 349.50 7.595556e+05
58 Dominica NaN 5.130350e+08 572.413734 3.749851 48.774225 NaN 7.278540e+04
239 Tonga 3.745750 4.391789e+08 250.962504 3.987285 47.697931 129.25 1.059094e+05
156 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 3.269250 3.193208e+08 456.403851 12.037277 48.084030 103.25 1.041180e+05
202 Sao Tome and Principe 4.603750 3.145400e+08 304.237533 3.227125 48.664169 159.50 1.913326e+05
185 Palau 2.220000 2.548400e+08 1389.993077 6.623460 46.425690 NaN 2.111260e+04
152 Marshall Islands NaN 1.843189e+08 657.059335 14.302529 48.397282 NaN 5.288280e+04
121 Kiribati 3.745250 1.774306e+08 179.372383 8.279184 49.557255 95.00 1.104816e+05
169 Nauru NaN 1.063908e+08 611.020856 4.527932 49.409439 NaN 1.169540e+04
245 Tuvalu NaN 3.646999e+07 563.500592 15.506929 47.472414 NaN 1.091000e+04
10 Aruba 1.663250 NaN NaN NaN 48.721939 NaN 1.037444e+05
28 British Virgin Islands NaN NaN NaN NaN 47.581520 NaN 2.958540e+04
38 Cayman Islands NaN NaN NaN NaN 49.866695 NaN 5.915880e+04
42 Channel Islands 1.462250 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.629612e+05
53 Curacao 2.050000 NaN NaN NaN 47.986740 NaN 1.559594e+05
68 Eritrea 4.324500 NaN 47.155226 1.429902 46.331369 524.50 NaN
81 French Polynesia 2.051000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2.757226e+05
87 Gibraltar NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.402560e+04
122 Korea, Dem. People's Rep. 1.982500 NaN NaN NaN 49.030281 86.25 2.511378e+07
137 Libya 2.485750 NaN 955.388861 3.231360 NaN 9.00 6.225309e+06
162 Monaco NaN NaN 6421.678715 3.720085 49.637143 NaN 3.813840e+04
172 New Caledonia 2.250000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2.682000e+05
201 San Marino 1.260000 NaN 3437.298747 5.752693 45.616261 NaN 3.260740e+04
209 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) NaN NaN NaN NaN 49.508551 NaN 3.755220e+04
223 St. Martin (French part) 1.812500 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.149120e+04
233 Syrian Arab Republic 2.967750 NaN 269.945739 1.507166 48.047394 62.00 1.931967e+07
244 Turks and Caicos Islands NaN NaN NaN NaN 48.846884 NaN 3.370340e+04

263 rows × 8 columns

As you might have guessed by now, Series also have a sort_values method. For a Series, you don’t have to specify the column to sort from, because you are using the Series values.

259    7.613006e+13
98     4.884635e+13
180    4.787743e+13
193    4.541806e+13
103    2.803020e+13
140    2.724634e+13
160    2.691014e+13
102    2.607726e+13
72     2.191519e+13
61     2.168128e+13
251    2.097441e+13
177    1.908336e+13
128    1.862014e+13
250    1.736912e+13
75     1.731910e+13
71     1.255692e+13
63     1.242383e+13
62     1.239991e+13
60     1.019283e+13
44     1.018279e+13
142    5.929275e+12
129    5.845138e+12
130    5.636800e+12
131    5.377437e+12
117    5.106025e+12
73     4.213635e+12
74     3.710324e+12
85     3.601226e+12
157    3.380647e+12
249    2.768864e+12
254    7.828760e+08
224    7.301068e+08
3      6.405000e+08
46     6.039190e+08
58     5.130350e+08
239    4.391789e+08
156    3.193208e+08
202    3.145400e+08
185    2.548400e+08
152    1.843189e+08
121    1.774306e+08
169    1.063908e+08
245    3.646999e+07
10              NaN
28              NaN
38              NaN
42              NaN
53              NaN
68              NaN
81              NaN
87              NaN
122             NaN
137             NaN
162             NaN
172             NaN
201             NaN
209             NaN
223             NaN
233             NaN
244             NaN
Name: gdp, Length: 263, dtype: float64