3.3 Comparison

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A Boolean value is a value that can only be True or False. It is called “Boolean” after the mathematician and logician George Boole

Boolean values most often arise from comparison operators. Python includes a variety of operators that compare values. For example, 3 is larger than 1 + 1.

3 > 1 + 1

The value True indicates that the comparison is valid; Python has confirmed this simple fact about the relationship between 3 and 1+1. The full set of common comparison operators are listed below.

Comparison Operator True example False Example
Less than < 2 < 3 2 < 2
Greater than > 3>2 3>3
Less than or equal <= 2 <= 2 3 <= 2
Greater or equal >= 3 >= 3 2 >= 3
Equal == 3 == 3 3 == 2
Not equal != 3 != 2 2 != 2

Here are some more examples:

4 < 5
4 < 3
4 <= 4

Notice the == in the table above.

The double equals == is different from the single = that we saw before in assignment. Here is assignment.

a = 4

Notice it does not display a value.

== is different - it’s a comparison operator like < or >. It checks whether two values are equal, and returns True or False:

a == 4

Strings can also be compared, and their order is alphabetical. A shorter string is less than a longer string that begins with the shorter string.

"Dog" > "Catastrophe"
"Catastrophe" > "Cat"
This page has content from the Comparison notebook from the UC Berkeley course. See the Berkeley course section of the license