1.3.2 Another Kind of Character

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This page is largely derived from Another_Kind_Of_Character of the UC Berkeley course - see the license file on the main website.

In some situations, the relationships between quantities allow us to make predictions. This text will explore how to make accurate predictions based on incomplete information and develop methods for combining multiple sources of uncertain information to make decisions.

As an example of visualizing information derived from multiple sources, let us first use the computer to get some information that would be tedious to acquire by hand. In the context of novels, the word “character” has a second meaning: a printed symbol such as a letter or number or punctuation symbol. Here, we ask the computer to count the number of characters and the number of periods in each chapter of Pride and Prejudice.

# In each chapter, count the number of all characters;
# Also count the number of periods.
chars_periods = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
        'Number of chars in chapter': [len(s) for s in book_chapters],
        'Number of periods': np.char.count(book_chapters, '.')

Here are the data. Each row of the table corresponds to one chapter of the novel and displays the number of characters as well as the number of periods in the chapter. Not surprisingly, chapters with fewer characters also tend to have fewer periods, in general – the shorter the chapter, the fewer sentences there tend to be, and vice versa. The relation is not entirely predictable, however, as sentences are of varying lengths and can involve other punctuation such as question marks.

Number of chars in chapter Number of periods
0 4613 59
1 4420 63
2 9746 106
3 6045 54
4 5390 61
5 13287 114
6 11492 111
7 11274 109
8 9971 119
9 12798 126
10 9160 99
11 4020 29
12 9654 93
13 6576 58
14 9956 82
15 19475 185
16 7436 69
17 29704 270
18 10845 88
19 9374 108
20 11521 86
21 10181 75
22 9807 85
23 11066 113
24 8774 90
25 13227 126
26 7374 61
27 8390 70
28 14010 127
29 7187 46
... ... ...
31 8652 78
32 10602 99
33 12251 92
34 18487 130
35 12033 83
36 7958 70
37 6080 47
38 8962 74
39 9400 104
40 13260 110
41 11172 87
42 28068 237
43 13622 90
44 10296 68
45 17642 153
46 22976 180
47 12995 110
48 12730 124
49 12922 111
50 11463 106
51 17676 168
52 16463 185
53 9104 81
54 13287 125
55 15712 163
56 9672 72
57 13976 131
58 13952 149
59 9020 87
60 26470 269

61 rows × 2 columns

In the plot below, there is a dot for each chapter in the book. The horizontal axis represents the number of periods and the vertical axis represents the number of characters.

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.scatter(chars_periods['Number of periods'],
            chars_periods['Number of chars in chapter'],
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1197202b0>


Notice how the blue points are roughly clustered around a straight line.

Now look at all the chapters that contain about 100 periods. The plot shows that those chapters contain about 10,000 characters to about 15,000 characters, roughly. That’s about 90 to 150 characters per period.

Indeed, it appears from looking at the plot that the chapters tend to have somewhere between 100 and 150 characters between periods, as a very rough estimate. Perhaps Jane Austen was announcing something familiar to us now: the original 140-character limit of Twitter.

This page has content from the Another_Kind_Of_Character notebook from the UC Berkeley course. See the Berkeley course section of the license