Why worry?

Neuroimaging is a highly technical field, on the border of neuroscience and computation.

It has a high risk of generating findings that are false.

The reproducibility crisis

Many of us are familiar with the replication crisis.

It is difficult to trace when the issue of replication started to enter discussion in the mainstream, but one salient moment was (Begley & Ellis, 2012). Begley and Ellis were scientists at Amgen - a drug company. They tried to reproduce findings from 53 “landmark” studies in hematological oncology - blood cancer. They tried fairly hard:

… when findings could not be reproduced, an attempt was made to contact the original authors, discuss the discrepant findings, exchange reagents and repeat experiments under the authors’ direction, occasionally even in the laboratory of the original investigator.

Of 53 studies, only 6 replicated (11%).

They detected a difference between the working process of the authors with reproducible findings compared to those with results they could not reproduce:

In studies for which findings could be reproduced, authors had paid close attention to controls, reagents, investigator bias and describing the complete data set. For results that could not be reproduced, however, data were not routinely analysed by investigators blinded to the experimental versus control groups. Investigators frequently presented the results of one experiment, such as a single Western-blot analysis. They sometimes said they presented specific experiments that supported their underlying hypothesis, but that were not reflective of the entire data set.

The replication rate for these studies seemed to be about 11%, but it can be a lot worse. When we look back at early results in genetics, with the benefit of hindsight from newer, larger genetic studies, the replication rate appears to be in the region of 2% (Ioannidis, Tarone, & McLaughlin, 2011).

The rate of false findings

There is an increased risk of false findings for:

  1. small sample size (low power);
  2. small effect size (low power);
  3. large number of tests (analysis bias);
  4. greater flexibility in analysis (analysis bias);
  5. greater financial interests (analysis bias);
  6. larger numbers of groups studying same effects (publication bias);

John P. A. Ioannidis (2005). “Why most published research findings are false.” (2005).

See also https://matthew-brett.github.com/teaching/ioannidis_2005.html.

False findings in neuroimaging

Nancy Kanwisher is one of the most important and influential researchers in functional MRI, particularly of the visual system.

She left the following comment on Daniel Bor’s 2013 blog post on “The Dilemma of Weak Neuroimaging Papers”.

I have occasionally asked respected colleagues what percent of published neuroimaging findings they think would replicate, and the answer is generally very depressing. My own guess is way less than 50%.

There is more discussion of this comment attached to the blog post.

My straw poll

After Kanwisher’s post, I took to asking the following question, to colleagues running neuroimaging labs:

Let us say you took a random sample of papers using functional MRI over the last five years. For each study in the sample, you repeated the same experiment. What proportion of your repeat experiments would substantially replicate the main findings of the original paper?

Answers ranged from 5% to 50%.

How do false findings get through?

There are many factors in neuroimaging that make us more prone to getting the answer wrong (see above). Among them, is our approach to computing - we often do not take it seriously. Here are some strong comments from an eminent statistician and advocate of reproducible research.

In my own experience, error is ubiquitous in scientific computing, and one needs to work very diligently and energetically to eliminate it. One needs a very clear idea of what has been done in order to know where to look for likely sources of error. I often cannot really be sure what a student or colleague has done from his/her own presentation, and in fact often his/her description does not agree with my own understanding of what has been done, once I look carefully at the scripts. Actually, I find that researchers quite generally forget what they have done and misrepresent their computations.

Computing results are now being presented in a very loose, “breezy” way—in journal articles, in conferences, and in books. All too often one simply takes computations at face value. This is spectacularly against the evidence of my own experience. I would much rather that at talks and in referee reports, the possibility of such error were seriously examined.

(Donoho, 2010)

In stark contrast to the sciences relying on deduction or empiricism, computational science is far less visibly concerned with the ubiquity of error. At conferences and in publications, it’s now completely acceptable for a researcher to simply say, “here is what I did, and here are my results.” Presenters devote almost no time to explaining why the audience should believe that they found and corrected errors in their computations. The presentation’s core isn’t about the struggle to root out error — as it would be in mature fields — but is instead a sales pitch: an enthusiastic presentation of ideas and a breezy demo of an implementation. Computational science has nothing like the elaborate mechanisms of formal proof in mathematics or meta-analysis in empirical science. Many users of scientific computing aren’t even trying to follow a systematic, rigorous discipline that would in principle allow others to verify the claims they make. How dare we imagine that computational science, as routinely practiced, is reliable!

(Donoho, Maleki, Rahman, Shahram, & Stodden, 2009)

Garbage in, gospel out

Neuroimaging is complicated and confusing. You will have to use ideas from many different fields, including some you are trained in, such as psychology, and neuroscience, and others that you probably are not trained in, such as linear algebra, signal and image processing. You will likely be using rather old-fashioned and complicated software that has grown organically with the field, and presents familiar ideas in unfamiliar ways.

If you are not careful, you will succumb to “garbage in, gospel out”. The process of analyzing the data becomes so complicated that you can’t criticize it any more. You either object, and risk looking stupid and displeasing your masters, or give in, and accept that it’s all correct, even though it would be very hard to check.

Understanding by building

Some of you will have heard of Richard Feynman, a famous physicist and teacher.

When he died, in 1988, he had this written on his blackboard:

What I cannot create, I do not understand.

There is a copy of the original photo here.

My desire is to give you an idea of what neuroimaging data looks like, and how you might build very basic versions of the processing you need. If all the servers in the world go down, and you don’t have your neuroimaging software any more, you should think “wow, that’s a bummer, but now I can build what I need myself”.


  1. Begley, C. G., & Ellis, L. M. (2012). Drug development: Raise standards for preclinical cancer research. Nature, 483(7391), 531.
  2. Ioannidis, J. P. A., Tarone, R., & McLaughlin, J. K. (2011). The false-positive to false-negative ratio in epidemiologic studies. Epidemiology, 450–456. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/23047674.pdf
  3. Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2005). Why most published research findings are false. PLoS Medicine, 2(8), e124. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124
  4. Donoho, D. L. (2010). An invitation to reproducible computational research. Biostatistics, 11(3), 385–388.
  5. Donoho, D. L., Maleki, A., Rahman, I. U., Shahram, M., & Stodden, V. (2009). Reproducible research in computational harmonic analysis. Computing in Science & Engineering, 11(1), 8–18. Retrieved from http://stanford.edu/ vcs/papers/RRCiSE-STODDEN2009.pdf