\(\newcommand{L}[1]{\| #1 \|}\newcommand{VL}[1]{\L{ \vec{#1} }}\newcommand{R}[1]{\operatorname{Re}\,(#1)}\newcommand{I}[1]{\operatorname{Im}\, (#1)}\)

Comparing two groups with permutation testing

We return to the Brexit age data from Analyzing Brexit.

Here’s the data from the processing we did in Analyzing Brexit:

Download the data file from the link above if you haven’t already got it in your Notebook directory.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> remain_leave = pd.read_csv('remain_leave.csv')
>>> remainers = remain_leave[remain_leave['brexit'] == 1]
>>> brexiteers = remain_leave[remain_leave['brexit'] == 2]
>>> # Confirm our proportions haven't changed
>>> len(brexiteers) / (len(brexiteers) + len(remainers))

For convenience we get our ages scores into lists for each group:

>>> # We make a list from the Pandas column with the "list" function
>>> brexit_ages = list(brexiteers['age'])
>>> remain_ages = list(remainers['age'])
>>> # Check our proportions again
>>> len(brexit_ages) / (len(brexit_ages) + len(remain_ages))

Let’s put up the histograms of these two groups again:


If running in the IPython console, consider running %matplotlib to enable interactive plots. If running in the Jupyter Notebook, use %matplotlib inline.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.hist(brexit_ages)

(png, hires.png, pdf)

>>> plt.hist(remain_ages)

(png, hires.png, pdf)


The remainers look as though they may be a bit younger on average.

Let’s look at the mean age for the two groups.

The mean of the values in the list is defined as the sum divided by the number of items. Here is the mean age of the Brexit Leave voters:

>>> sum(brexit_ages) / len(brexit_ages)

We can define a function to calculate the mean:

>>> def mean(some_list):
...     # Calculates the mean of the values in `some_list`
...     return sum(some_list) / len(some_list)

Now we can get the mean with:

>>> mean(brexit_ages)

The mean is lower for the Remain group:

>>> mean(remain_ages)

The difference between the means is:

>>> observed_difference = mean(brexit_ages) - mean(remain_ages)
>>> observed_difference

We see that the means of the two groups are different - but can we be confident that this difference did not come about by chance?

What do we mean by chance? Now we have to define our null hypothesis.

We hypothesize that there is in fact no difference between the ages of the two groups. We propose that the difference between the means we see could reasonably occur if we did the following procedure:

  • sample 541 + 774 = 1315 people from this same underlying doesn’t-matter-what-you-voted population;
  • arbitrarily split this sample into a group of 541 and a group of 774, call these group_A and group_B;
  • calculate the mean age for group_A and subtract the mean age of group_B;

Call this procedure - one trial. To test our null hypothesis, we would like to repeat this trial many times, recording the difference in means for each trial. By doing this we could build up a distribution of the kind of differences we would expect by chance - the sampling distribution.

But - we don’t have any more data - so we don’t have many new groups of 541 + 774 = 1315 to sample. But it turns out, we can use the data we have to build the distribution we need.

Let’s start with the null hypothesis - that there is no difference in the ages of the Leave and Remain groups. If that hypothesis is true, then all the ages in brexit_ages and in remain_ages can be considered as being samples from the same underlying group.

To express this, I’m going to pool all the weights into one big group, like this:

>>> # The + below appends the second list to the first
>>> all_ages = brexit_ages + remain_ages
>>> len(all_ages)

In this new pooled list, the first 541 ages are from the brexit_ages list, and the rest are from the remain_ages list.

Now we have the new pooled list, we can do something similar to taking the new group_A and group_B groups we imagined above. That is, we can shuffle the combined group to a random order, and split this shuffled combined group into a group of 541 and a group of 774. We get the difference in means of these two groups, and store it. We keep shuffling, to create more group_A and group_B groups, and more differences in means. The generated distribution of the mean differences is the distribution we expect on the null hypothesis, that there is no real difference between the two groups. We can see where observed_difference lies in this generated distribution, and this gives us a measure of whether the observed_difference is likely on the null hypothesis.

Python’s random.shuffle function can do the shuffle for us (see: Shuffling list element order):

>>> import random

Before shuffling, the first 541 age values are all for Leave voters. Here are the first 10:

>>> # The first 10 ages before shuffling (all brexit)
>>> all_ages[:10]
[71, 60, 74, 61, 47, 56, 76, 35, 44, 38]

Here’s a random shuffle of the combined list of ages:

>>> random.shuffle(all_ages)
>>> # The first 10 ages of the shuffled list, mixed brexit and remain.
>>> all_ages[:10]
[24, 59, 55, 31, 89, 66, 64, 35, 28, 41]

Now for our permutation test. We’ve assumed the null hypothesis. We have randomly shuffled the combined group. We’ll call the first 541 values group_A and the last 774 values group_B.

After the shuffling, the group_A group is a random mix of the brexit_ages and remain_ages values, as is the group_B group.

Here is a function that takes the combined list and returns the difference in means:

>>> def difference_in_means(combined_list):
...     """ Split suffled combind group into two, return mean difference
...     """
...     group_A = combined_list[:541]
...     group_B = combined_list[541:]
...     return mean(group_B) - mean(group_A)

Let’s get the difference in means for these new groups, generated by the shuffle:

>>> difference_in_means(all_ages)

That difference from the shuffled groups looks a lot less than the difference we originally found:

>>> observed_difference

One difference is not enough. We need more shuffled mean differences to see whether observed_difference is really unusual compared to the range of permuted group differences. Here we run the shuffle procedure 10000 times, to get a large range of values:

>>> n_repeats = 10000
>>> shuffled_differences = []  # An empty list to store the differences
>>> for i in range(n_repeats):
...     random.shuffle(all_ages)
...     new_difference = difference_in_means(all_ages)
...     # Collect the new mean by adding to the end of the list
...     shuffled_differences.append(new_difference)

This gives us 10000 differences from groups that are compatible with our null hypothesis. We can now ask whether observed_difference is unusually large compared to the distribution of these 10000 differences.


If running in the IPython console, consider running %matplotlib to enable interactive plots. If running in the Jupyter Notebook, use %matplotlib inline.

>>> # The plotting package
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.hist(shuffled_differences)

(png, hires.png, pdf)


The maximumum of these differences is:

>>> max(shuffled_differences)

Remember our observed_difference?

>>> observed_difference

So - how many of the shuffled_differences are greater than or equal to the observed_difference?

>>> n_greater_equal = 0
>>> for i in range(n_repeats):
...     if shuffled_differences[i] >= observed_difference:
...         n_greater_equal = n_greater_equal + 1
>>> n_greater_equal

In 10000 samples, we only found one sample greater than or equal to the observed difference.

So, our estimate is that there is a 1 in 10000 chance that the observed difference could have come about by differences in random sampling.