Progress reports

Your progress reports are short presentations on your project progress, to us, your instructors, and the rest of the class.

We hope you will find these useful to get feedback about what to do next in your projects.

Please use them as a chance to organize your thoughts about what you are trying to do with your projects, and to get feedback on your ideas, and the approaches that you have tried so far.

The progress report should be 7 minutes. You should present from the laptop screen of one of your group, but we will try to bring monitors to make it easier to see. You can use Cocalc, or the Jupyter Notebook, or slide presentation software, or any mixture of these.

Arrange the progress report to get you the most benefit to your project, but we suggest you use these headings:

  • Summarize your data
  • Describe your initial analysis strategy
  • What you have tried so far.
  • What worked and what did not.
  • What you plan to do next.

Please negotiate with your team about who prepares and does the progress report. Of course, like all work on the project, this counts towards your project contribution - see the rubric.