Scripts in nb2plots¶
Nbplots installs the following command-line scripts:
– converts Jupyter notebooks to a ReST page with nbplot directives for the code cells;sphinx2py
– converts a ReST page that may have nbplot directives or doctest blocks into a
code file, where everything other than the nbplot directives and doctest blocks become comments in Markdown text format;sphinx2nb
– converts a ReST page that may have nbplot directives or doctest blocks into a Jupyter notebook, where the nbplot directives and doctest blocks become code cells;sphinx2md
– converts a ReST page into a Markdown page, where the conversion assumes the Sphinx versions of directives and roles;sphinx2pxml
– converts a ReST page into a Sphinx pseudo XML page, where the conversion assumes the Sphinx versions of directives and roles;rst2md
– converts a ReST page into a Markdown page, where the conversion assumes the docutils versions of directives and roles;
All these scripts write their output to standard output (stdout).