.. _worked-example: ############## Worked example ############## Let's say I have a notebook `example notebook `_. You can download the notebook from :download:`example_notebook.ipynb`. I want to make this notebook into a ReST page to include in my Sphinx project. First I convert the notebook with the ``nb2plots`` script:: nb2plots example_notebook.ipynb > converted_notebook.rst This results in the ReST page `converted_example.rst <_sources/converted_example.rst.txt>`_, which builds as HTML to :doc:`converted_example`. If you look at the `source of the converted notebook <_sources/converted_example.rst.txt>`_ you will see two custom Nb2plots directives: * :ref:`nbplot ` |--| housing the content from the code cells in the original notebook; * :ref:`mpl-interactive ` |--| noting that the user may want to use the ``%matplotlib`` magic for interactive plots. Notice that each Nbplot directive on a single page uses the same namespace, by default, so the Nbplot directives on your page can build up variables in the same way that a notebook does. The notebook code cells convert to doctest blocks, so I can check the correctness of the code on my page with the Sphinx doctest extension: .. code-block:: bash make doctest This example page converts well, but, in practice, you may well want to edit the ReST document to clean up some differences between the notebook code cells and doctest blocks in Nbplot directives. Now let's say that I would like to make this page available to my users as Jupyter notebooks and / or a Python code file. To do this, I add the following directive to the end of my page (or wherever I like): .. code-block:: rest .. code-links:: See the :ref:`code-links-directive` for more detail. When I do this, I get a built HTML page :doc:`like this `. Note the three links to the Python code file and notebooks at the end of the page. The first link is to the Python code file. The second is to a notebook that has not been executed, and has no outputs. The third is to a version of the same notebook that has been executed, and has the code output cells. See the :ref:`code-links-directive` documentation for options to select which of these links to add. .. include:: links_names.inc