################## Releasing nb2plots ################## * Review the open list of `nb2plots issues`_. Check whether there are outstanding issues that can be closed, and whether there are any issues that should delay the release. Label them. * Review and update the release notes. Review and update the :file:`Changelog` file. Get a partial list of contributors with something like:: git log 0.2.0.. | grep '^Author' | cut -d' ' -f 2- | sort | uniq where ``0.2.0`` was the last release tag name. Then manually go over ``git shortlog 0.2.0..`` to make sure the release notes are as complete as possible and that every contributor was recognized. * Use the opportunity to update the ``.mailmap`` file if there are any duplicate authors listed from ``git shortlog -ns``. * Check the copyright years in ``doc/conf.py`` and ``LICENSE``; * Check the output of:: rst2html.py README.rst > ~/tmp/readme.html because this will be the output used by PyPi_ * Check `nb2plots travis-ci`_. * Once everything looks good, you are ready to upload the source release to PyPi. See `setuptools intro`_. Make sure you have a file ``\$HOME/.pypirc``, of form:: [distutils] index-servers = pypi [pypi] repository: https://upload.pypi.io/legacy/ username:your.pypi.username password:your-password * Tag the release. This will also set the version (we are using versioneer_ to manage versions via git tags):: git tag -s 0.3 * Clean:: make distclean # Check no files outside version control that you want to keep git status # Nuke git clean -fxd * When ready:: python setup.py sdist --formats=zip # -s flag to sign the release twine upload -r warehouse -s dist/nb2plots*zip * Upload the release commit and tag to github:: git push git push --tags * Push the docs to github pages with:: cd doc make github .. include:: ../links_names.inc