Project grading rubric

Your total project mark is out of 100. This mark in turn makes up 60% of your course grade.

There are two components to this assessment: the project and your contribution. Usually, 70% of the project marks are for the project itself; see the categories below, and the caveat at the end.

Usually, 30% of the marks are for your contribution; see headings below and the caveat at the end.

Project grades

Each of the following 7 sections is worth 10 marks, for a total of 70 (although, see caveat at the end of this page).

For each row, the table gives a description of work that will earn: between 0 and 50% in this category (fail to bare pass); 50-75% (bare pass to good pass); and 75-100% (good pass to excellent).

Notice that your project presentation is one category; see the project page for schedule.

  0-50% 50-75% 75-100
Questions Questions overly simplistic, unrelated, or unmotivated Questions appropriate, coherent, and motivated Questions well motivated, interesting, insightful, and novel
Analysis Choice of analysis is overly simplistic or incomplete Analysis appropriate Analysis appropriate, complete, advanced, and informative

Conclusions are missing, incorrect, or not based on analysis

Inappropriate choice of plots; poorly labeled plots; plots missing

Conclusions relevant, but partially correct or partially complete

Plots convey information but lack context for interpretation

Relevant conclusions explicitly tied to analysis and to context

Plots convey information correctly with adequate and appropriate reference information

Readability Code is messy and poorly organized; unused or irrelevant code distracts when reading code. Variables and functions names do not helpful to understand code. Code is reasonably well organized.  There is little unused or irrelevant code, or this code has been moved out of the main project files.  Variable and function names generally meaningful and helpful for understanding. Code very well organized.  No irrelevant or distracting code.   Variable and function names have clear relationship to their purpose in the code.  Code is easy to read and understand.

Verbal presentation is illogical, incorrect, or incoherent.

Visual presentation is cluttered, disjoint, or illegible

Verbal and visual presentation unrelated

Verbal presentation partially correct but incomplete or unconvincing

Visual presentation is readable and clear

Verbal and visual presentation related

Verbal presentation is correct, complete, and convincing

Visual presentation is appealing, informative, and crisp

Verbal and visual presentation clearly related

Writing Explanation is illogical, incorrect, or incoherent Explanation is correct, complete, and convincing Explanation is correct, complete, convincing, and elegant
Reproduciblity Code didn't run Recipes in project directory correctly load data and generate all results and figures in report Recipes additionally validate data against its source (such as URL or other download). The recipes generate all exploratory work and supplementary analysis

Project report

Your project report should be about 3500 words of explanatory text and code, not including figures and tables. Up to 5000 words is OK, if you need them, but if you plan to have much more than this, please contact me in good time to discuss it.

It can be in the form of a PDF document, or a Jupyter Notebook.

Your project report should be reproducible. There should be a file in your project, called README, in any format of your choosing. For example, the file can be in plain text format, a Jupyter Notebook, or a Word-processor document.

This file should give the steps which will exactly reproduce the numbers, tables and figures in your report.

Example instructions for a simple report might be:

The UK police publish various statistics about their work at

Go to this site, select “August 2018” as the start and end of the “Date range”, select “West Midlands” in the “Forces” panel, unselect “include crime data” and select “include stop and search data”. Download and unpack the generated zip file, to give the file 2018-08-west-midlands-stop-and-search.csv. This should exactly match the copy of the data in our project directory, with the same name.

Open clean_data.ipynb and run all cells. This checks and cleans the data, writing out the cleaner version as 2018-08-wm-ss-cleaned.csv.

Open analyze_data.ipynb and run all cells. This writes out the figures figure1.png and figure2.png that you see in our report.

Open simulate_data.ipynb and run all cells. This writes out tables 1 and 2 that you see in our report.

The README file can also be your report. In that case, your README instructions would be “Run this notebook to generate our report”.

Personal contribution

Each team member should submit a document of up to 1500 words describing their contribution to the project, under any of the following headings:

  • Development of question / hypothesis;
  • Data research: search for relevant data to contribute to question;
  • Literature review;
  • Analysis strategy;
  • Analysis code;
  • Code review;
  • Work planning and organization;
  • Improving teamwork and collaboration;
  • Testing code and procedures;
  • Writing report.

You should describe your own contribution, and any work you did to help other people contribute to the same area.

You can add other headings if you think we should consider them.

For each heading, give any evidence for your contribution from project files or other data that is accessible to us, your graders.

The mark guidelines for this part are:

  • 0-50%: little evidence of contribution or collaboration. Contributions under few headings. Little effort to help other team members contribute.
  • 50-75%: moderate evidence of contribution and collaboration. Contributions under many headings; substantial contributions to more than one heading. Evidence that you helped other team members contribute across some headings.
  • 75-100%: strong evidence of contribution and collaboration. Some contribution to nearly all headings; substantial contributions across the majority of headings. Strong evidence that you helped other team members contribute across several headings.

Usually, the weight for the project contribution mark is 30%, as compared to 70% weighting for the project, but see below.

Project mark adjustment for contribution

In most cases your final project mark will follow the split listed above:

  • 70% for the project
  • 30% for personal contribution

However, we reserve the right to change these weightings if we find that you have made well below your fair share of project contribution.

Of course, a fair share depends on your group size. A fair share for a three-member group is 33% of the work, and a fair share for a 5 member group is 20%.

If we review the project files and your contribution document, and conclude that you have done considerably less than your fair share, we will change the weightings of your project and personal contribution to 60% / 40%, 50% / 50%, or, in extreme cases, 40% / 60%.

We expect to do this for very few or none of you, but we reserve that right.

Bear in mind that project contribution means contributing across the project. For example, you would be making a minor contribution if you wrote an introduction or conclusion for the report, without contributing to the analysis. For this assignment the major part of the work is designing, writing, describing and summarizing your analysis.