A curious tale¶
Here is a story where we develop a very simple system for storing file snapshots. We soon find it starts to look just like git.
The end of the story¶
To understand why git does what it does, we first need to think about what a content manager should do, and why we would want one.
If you’ve read the git parable (please do), then you’ll recognize many of the ideas. Why? Because they are good ideas, worthy of re-use.
As in the git parable, we will try and design our own content manager, and then see what git has to say.
(If you don’t mind reading some Python code, and more jokes, then also try my git foundation page).
While we are designing our own content management system, we will do a lot of stuff longhand, to show how things work. When we get to git, we will find it does these tasks for us.
The story begins¶
You are writing a breakthrough paper showing that you can explain how the
brain works by careful processing of some interesting data. You’ve got the
analysis script, the data file and a figure for the paper. These are all in a
directory modestly named nobel_prize
You can get this, the first draft, by downloading and unzipping
Here’s the current contents of our nobel_prize
├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
└── fancy_figure.png [183K]
The dog ate my results¶
You’ve been working on this study for a while.
At first, you were very excited with the results. You ran the script, made the
figure, and the figure looked good. That’s the figure you currently have in
directory. You took this figure to your advisor, Josephine.
She was excited too. You get ready to publish in Science.
You’ve done a few changes to the script and figure since then. Today you finished cleaning up for the Science paper, and reran the analysis, and it doesn’t look quite the same. You go to see Josephine. She says “It used to look better than that”. That’s what you think too. But:
Did it really look different before?
If it did, what caused the change in the figure?
Deja vu all over again¶
Given you are so clever and you have discovered how the brain works, it is really easy for you to leap in your time machine, and go back two weeks to start again.
What are you going to do differently this time?
Gitwards 1: make regular snapshots¶
You decide to make your own content management system. It’s the simplest thing that could possibly work, so you call it the “Simple As Possible” system, or SAP for short.
Every time you finish doing some work on your paper, you make a snapshot of all the files for the paper.
The snapshot is a copy of all the files in the working directory.
First you make a directory called working
, and move your files to that
└── working
├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
└── fancy_figure.png [183K]
When you’ve finished work for the day, you make a snapshot of the directory containing the files you are working on. The snapshot is just a copy of your working directory:
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ └── fancy_figure.png [183K]
└── snapshot_1
├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
└── fancy_figure.png [183K]
You are going to do this every day you work on the project.
On the second day, you add your first draft of the paper, nobel_prize.md
You can download this ground-breaking work at nobel_prize.md
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [183K]
│ └── nobel_prize.md [730B]
└── snapshot_1
├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
└── fancy_figure.png [183K]
At the end of the day you make your second snapshot:
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [183K]
│ └── nobel_prize.md [730B]
├── snapshot_2
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [183K]
│ └── nobel_prize.md [730B]
└── snapshot_1
├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
└── fancy_figure.png [183K]
On the third day, you did some edits to the analysis script, and refreshed the figure by running the script. You did a third snapshot.
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [716B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [239K]
│ └── nobel_prize.md [730B]
├── snapshot_3
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [716B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [239K]
│ └── nobel_prize.md [730B]
├── snapshot_2
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [183K]
│ └── nobel_prize.md [730B]
└── snapshot_1
├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
└── fancy_figure.png [183K]
To make the directory listing more compact, I’ll sometimes show only the number of files / directories in a subdirectory. For example, here’s a listing of the three snapshots, but only showing the contents of the third snapshot:
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [716B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [239K]
│ └── nobel_prize.md [730B]
├── snapshot_3
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [716B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [239K]
│ └── nobel_prize.md [730B]
├── snapshot_2
│ (4 files)
└── snapshot_1
(3 files)
Finally, on the fourth day, you make some more edits to the script, and you add some references for the paper.
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [752B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [251K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── snapshot_4
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [752B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [251K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── snapshot_3
│ (4 files)
├── snapshot_2
│ (4 files)
└── snapshot_1
(3 files)
You are ready for your fateful meeting with Josephine. Again she notices that
the figure is different from the first time you showed her. This time you can
go and look in nobel_prize/snapshot_1
to see if the figure really is
different. Then you can go through the snapshots to see where the figure
You’ve already got a useful content management system, but you are going to make it better.
We are already at the stage where we can define some terms that apply to our system and that will later apply to git:
- Commit
A completed snapshot. For example,
contains one commit.- Working tree
The files you are working on in
Gitwards 2: reminding yourself of what you did¶
Your experience tracking down the change in the figure makes you think that it would be good to save a message with each snapshot (commit) to record the commit date and some text giving a summary of the changes you made. Next time you need to track down when and why something changed, you can look at the message to give yourself an idea of the changes in the commit. That might save you time when you want to narrow down where to look for problems.
So, for each commit, you write write a file called message.txt
. The
message for the first commit looks like this:
Date: April 1 2012, 14.30
Author: I. M. Awesome
Notes: First backup of my amazing idea
There is a similar messsage.txt
file for each commit. For example,
here’s the message for the third commit:
Date: April 3 2012, 11.20
Author: I. M. Awesome
Notes: Add another fudge factor
This third message is useful because it gives you a hint that this was where you made the important change to the script and figure.
- Commit message
Information about a commit, including the author, date, time, and some information about the changes in the commit, compared to the previous commits.
Gitwards 3: breaking up work into chunks¶
Now you are used to your new system, you find that you like to break your changes up into self-contained chunks of work, each with their own commit, and a matching commit message. When you look back at your fourth commit, it looks like you included two separate chunks of work into the same commit. You’ve even confessed to this in your commit message:
Date: April 4 2012, 01.40
Author: I. M. Awesome
Notes: Change analysis and add references
You realize that you will often be in the situation where you have made several changes in the working tree, and you want to split those changes up into different commits, with their own commit messages. How can you adapt SAP to deal with that situation?
To help yourself think about this problem, you decide to scrap your last
commit, and go back to the situation where your working tree has the changes,
but the snapshots (commits) do not. All you have to do to get there, is
delete the snapshot_4
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [752B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [251K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── snapshot_3
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [716B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [239K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── message.txt [80B]
You still have your changes in the working tree. You have changed the
analysis script and figure, and you have the new references.bib
You want to break these changes up into two separate commits:
a commit with the changes to the analysis script and figure, but without the references;
another commit to add the references.
To do this kind of thing, you are going to use a new directory called
. The staging
directory starts off with the files from the
last commit. When you want to add some changes that will go into your next
commit, you copy the changes from the working tree to the staging
directory. You make the commit by copying the contents of staging
to a
new snapshot directory, and adding a commit message.
To get started, you make the new staging
directory by copying the contents
of the last commit (except the commit message):
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [752B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [251K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── staging
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [716B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [239K]
│ └── nobel_prize.md [730B]
├── snapshot_3
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [716B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [239K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── message.txt [80B]
Call the staging
directory – the staging area. Your new sequence
for making a commit is:
copy any changes for the next commit from the working tree to the staging area;
make the commit by copying the contents of the staging area to a snapshot directory, and adding a commit message.
You are doing this by hand, but later git will make this much more automatic.
Now you are ready to make the first of your two new commits. You copy the changed analysis script and figure from the working tree to the staging area:
$ cp working/clever_analysis.py staging
$ cp working/fancy_figure.png staging
The staging directory (staging area) now contains the right files for the first of your two commits.
Next you make a commit by copying the staging area to snapshot_4
adding a message:
Date: April 4 2012, 01.40
Author: I. M. Awesome
Notes: Change parameters of analysis
This gives:
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [752B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [251K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── staging
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [752B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [251K]
│ └── nobel_prize.md [730B]
├── snapshot_4
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [752B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [251K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── message.txt [85B]
To finish, you make the second of the two commits. Remember the sequence:
copy any changes for the next commit from the working tree to the staging area;
make the commit by taking a snapshot of the staging area.
You copy the rest of the changes to the staging area:
$ cp working/references.bib staging
Finally, you do the commit by copying the contents of staging
to a new
directory snapshot_5
, and adding a commit message:
Date: April 4 2012, 02.10
Author: I. M. Awesome
Notes: Add references
Now you have:
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [752B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [251K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── staging
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [752B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [251K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── snapshot_5
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [752B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [251K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ ├── references.bib [244B]
│ └── message.txt [70B]
We can add a couple of new terms to our vocabulary:
- Staging area
Temporary area that contains the contents of the next commit. We copy changes from the working tree to the staging area to stage those changes. We make the new commit from the contents of the staging area.
Gitwards 4: getting files from previous commits¶
Remember that you found the figure had changed?
You also found that the problem was in the third commit.
Now you look back over the commits, you realize that your first draft of the analysis script was correct, and you decide to restore that.
To do that, you will checkout the script from the first commit
). You also want to checkout the generated figure.
Following our new standard staging workflow, that means:
get the files you want from the old commit into the working directory, and the staging area;
make a new commit from the staging area.
For our simple SAP system, that looks like this:
$ # Copy files from old commit to working tree
$ cp snapshot_1/clever_analysis.py working
$ cp snapshot_1/fancy_figure.png working
$ # Copy files from working tree to staging area
$ cp working/clever_analysis.py staging
$ cp working/fancy_figure.png staging
Then do the commit by copying staging
, and add a message:
Date: April 5 2012, 18.40
Author: I. M. Awesome
Notes: Revert to original script & figure
This gives:
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [183K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── staging
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [183K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── snapshot_6
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [183K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ ├── references.bib [244B]
│ └── message.txt [90B]
├── snapshot_5
│ (6 files)
├── snapshot_4
│ (5 files)
├── snapshot_3
│ (5 files)
├── snapshot_2
│ (5 files)
└── snapshot_1
├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
├── fancy_figure.png [183K]
└── message.txt [87B]
- Checkout (a file)
To checkout a file is to restore the copy of a file as stored in a particular commit.
Gitwards 5: two people working at the same time¶
One reason that git is so powerful is that it works very well when more than one person is working on the files in parallel.
Josephine is impressed with your SAP content management system, and wants to
use it to make some edits to the paper. She takes a copy of your
directory to put on her laptop.
She goes away for a conference.
While she is away, you do some work on the analysis script, and regenerate the
figure, to make shapshot_7
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [692B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [279K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── staging
│ (5 files)
├── snapshot_7
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [692B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [279K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ ├── references.bib [244B]
│ └── message.txt [75B]
Meanwhile, Josephine decides to work on the paper. Following your procedure, she makes a commit herself.
What should Josephine’s commit directory be called?
She could call it snapshot_7
, but then, when she gets back to the lab, and
gives you her nobel_prize
directory, her copy of nobel_prize
and yours
will both have a snapshot_7
directory, but they will be different. It
would be easy to copy Josephine’s directory over yours or yours over
Josephine’s, and lose the work.
For the moment, you decide that Josephine will attach her name to the commit
directory, to make it clear this is her snapshot. So, she makes her commit
into the directory snapshot_7_josephine
. When she comes back from the
conference, you copy her snapshot_7_josephine
into your nobel_prize
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [692B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [279K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── staging
│ (5 files)
├── snapshot_7
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [692B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [279K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [730B]
│ ├── references.bib [244B]
│ └── message.txt [75B]
├── snapshot_7_josephine
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [618B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [183K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [979B]
│ ├── references.bib [244B]
│ └── message.txt [80B]
After the copy, you still have your own copy of the working tree, without Josephine’s changes to the paper. You want to combine your changes with her changes. To do this you do a merge by copying her changes to the paper into the working directory.
$ # Get Josephine's changes to the paper
$ cp snapshot_7_josephine/nobel_prize.md working
Now you do a commit with these merged changes, by copying them into the
staging area, and thence to snapshot_8
, with a suitable message:
├── working
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [692B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [279K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [979B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── staging
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [692B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [279K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [979B]
│ └── references.bib [244B]
├── snapshot_8
│ ├── clever_analysis.py [692B]
│ ├── expensive_data.csv [244K]
│ ├── fancy_figure.png [279K]
│ ├── nobel_prize.md [979B]
│ ├── references.bib [244B]
│ └── message.txt [82B]
This new commit is the result of a merge, and therefore it is a merge commit.
- Merge
To make a new merge commit by combining changes from two (or more) commits.
Gitwards 6: how should you name your commit directories?¶
You like your new system, and so does Josephine, but you don’t much like your
solution of adding Josephine’s name to the commit directory – as in
. There might be lots of people working on this
paper. With your naming system, you have to give out a unique name to each
person working on nobel_prize
. As you think about this problem, you begin
to realize that what you want is a system for giving each commit directory a
unique name, that comes from the contents of the commit. This is where you
starting thinking about hashes.
A diversion on cryptographic hashes¶
This section describes “Cryptographic hashes”. These will give us an excellent way to name our snapshots. Later we will see that they are central to the way that git works.
See : Wikipedia on hash functions.
A hash is the result of running a hash function over a block of data. The hash is a fixed length string that is the characteristic fingerprint of that exact block of data. One common hash function is called SHA1. Let’s run this via the command line:
$ # Make a file with a single line of text
$ echo "git is a rude word in UK English" > git_is_rude
$ # Show the SHA1 hash
$ shasum git_is_rude
30ad6c360a692c1fe66335bb00d00e0528346be5 git_is_rude
Not too exciting so far. However, the rather magical nature of this string is not yet apparent. This SHA1 hash is a cryptographic hash because:
the hash value is (almost) unique to this exact file contents, and
it is (almost) impossible to find some other file contents with the same hash.
By “almost impossible” I mean that finding a file with the same hash is roughly the same level of difficulty as trying something like \(16^{40}\) different files (where 16 is the number of different hexadecimal digits, and 40 is the length of the SHA1 string).
In other words, there is no practical way for you to find another file with different contents that will give the same hash.
For example, a tiny change in the string makes the hash completely different. Here I’ve just added a full stop at the end:
$ echo "git is a rude word in UK English." > git_is_rude_stop
$ shasum git_is_rude_stop
23d97b00299c250b43049be67c97cf2e5ffc2428 git_is_rude_stop
So, if you give me some data, and I calculate the SHA1 hash value, and it
comes out as 30ad6c360a692c1fe66335bb00d00e0528346be5
, then I can be very
sure that the data you gave me was exactly the ASCII string “git is a rude
word in UK English”.
Gitwards 7: naming commits from hashes¶
Now you have hashing under your belt, maybe it would be a good way of making a
unique name for the commits. You could take the SHA1 hash for the
for each commit, and use that SHA1 hash as the name for the
commit directory. Because each message has the date and time and author and
notes, it’s very unlikely that any two message.txt
files will be the same.
Here are the hashes for the current message.txt
$ # Show the SHA1 hash values for each message.txt
$ shasum snapshot*/message.txt
99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5 snapshot_1/message.txt
d396475cc691c8ac7ba7a318726f220c924cf60b snapshot_2/message.txt
6a04028960ead9e8db180dd6ebc108e1fc52891d snapshot_3/message.txt
1bae5edb2785ae73353ae8a691cdb45d182db0c6 snapshot_4/message.txt
2bef6ebeef1dee1610f6581e42fa1a74045042c2 snapshot_5/message.txt
5709c1f836244dc039f05e5d3b0c31267ee785c5 snapshot_6/message.txt
62f0c997a4ddbfe07d6d2524d23883a3ac6ac051 snapshot_7/message.txt
4063178db6bf986c679bfc2c4dde01092146d197 snapshot_7_josephine/message.txt
df3e787c2a89ac991b1c89b39fb014c1f049a939 snapshot_8/message.txt
For example you could rename the snapshot_1
directory to 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5
then rename snapshot_2
to d396475cc691c8ac7ba7a318726f220c924cf60b
and so on.
├── working
│ (5 files)
├── staging
│ (5 files)
├── df3e787c2a89ac991b1c89b39fb014c1f049a939
│ (6 files)
├── 4063178db6bf986c679bfc2c4dde01092146d197
│ (6 files)
├── 62f0c997a4ddbfe07d6d2524d23883a3ac6ac051
│ (6 files)
├── 5709c1f836244dc039f05e5d3b0c31267ee785c5
│ (6 files)
├── 2bef6ebeef1dee1610f6581e42fa1a74045042c2
│ (6 files)
├── 1bae5edb2785ae73353ae8a691cdb45d182db0c6
│ (5 files)
├── 6a04028960ead9e8db180dd6ebc108e1fc52891d
│ (5 files)
├── d396475cc691c8ac7ba7a318726f220c924cf60b
│ (5 files)
└── 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5
(4 files)
The problem you have now is that the directory names no longer tell you the
sequence of the commits, so you can’t tell that snapshot_2
) follows snapshot_1
(now 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5
OK – you scratch the renaming for now while you have a rethink.
├── working
│ (5 files)
├── staging
│ (5 files)
├── snapshot_8
│ (6 files)
├── snapshot_7
│ (6 files)
├── snapshot_7_josephine
│ (6 files)
├── snapshot_6
│ (6 files)
├── snapshot_5
│ (6 files)
├── snapshot_4
│ (5 files)
├── snapshot_3
│ (5 files)
├── snapshot_2
│ (5 files)
└── snapshot_1
(4 files)
You still want to rename the commit directories, from the message.txt
hashes, but you need a way to store the sequence of commits, after you have
done this.
After some thought, you come up with a quite brilliant idea. Each
will point back to the previous commit in the sequence. You
add a new field to messsage.txt
called Parents
stays the same, because it has no parents:
$ cat snapshot_1/message.txt
Date: April 1 2012, 14.30
Author: I. M. Awesome
Notes: First backup of my amazing idea
does change, because it now points back to
. But, you’re going to rename the snapshot directories, so you
want snapshot_2/message.txt
to point back to the hash for
, which you know is 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5
$ cat snapshot_2/message.txt
Date: April 2 2012, 18.03
Author: I. M. Awesome
Notes: Add first draft of paper
Parents: 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5
Now we’ve changed the contents and therefore the hash for
. The hash was d396475cc691c8ac7ba7a318726f220c924cf60b
, but now it
$ shasum snapshot_2/message.txt
9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d snapshot_2/message.txt
You keep doing this procedure, for all the commits, modifying message.txt
and recalculating the hash, until you come to snapshot_8
, the merge
commit. This commit is the result of merging two commits: snapshot_7
. You can record this information by putting two
parents into the Parents
field of snapshot_8/message.txt
, being the
new hashes for snapshot_7/message.txt
$ shasum snapshot_7/message.txt
bee09a3b1c11456c6e1bc6784319954f40fef24b snapshot_7/message.txt
$ shasum snapshot_7_josephine/message.txt
905376d349af193c367217712bc231186f17fca7 snapshot_7_josephine/message.txt
$ cat snapshot_8/message.txt
Date: April 7 2012, 15.03
Author: I. M. Awesome
Notes: Merged Josephine's changes
Parents: bee09a3b1c11456c6e1bc6784319954f40fef24b 905376d349af193c367217712bc231186f17fca7
With the new Parents
field, you have new hashes for all the
files, except snapshot_1
(that has no parent):
$ shasum snapshot_*/message.txt
99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5 snapshot_1/message.txt
9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d snapshot_2/message.txt
d9accd0a27c78b4333d70ee1a9d7dca0bcc3e682 snapshot_3/message.txt
00d03e9d1bf4ebaea380da3c62e9226189e39ff4 snapshot_4/message.txt
c203516a49d48389826b041f4d7bd2d39bdf4a57 snapshot_5/message.txt
9920fff7b55370a2c4c7566011de8aa2a263171f snapshot_6/message.txt
bee09a3b1c11456c6e1bc6784319954f40fef24b snapshot_7/message.txt
905376d349af193c367217712bc231186f17fca7 snapshot_7_josephine/message.txt
bd9dc5fb9aacf208536fad1fad22696c9a79e277 snapshot_8/message.txt
You can now rename your snapshot directories with the hash values, safe in the
knowledge that the message.txt
files have the information about the commit
├── working
│ (5 files)
├── staging
│ (5 files)
├── bd9dc5fb9aacf208536fad1fad22696c9a79e277
│ (6 files)
├── 905376d349af193c367217712bc231186f17fca7
│ (6 files)
├── bee09a3b1c11456c6e1bc6784319954f40fef24b
│ (6 files)
├── 9920fff7b55370a2c4c7566011de8aa2a263171f
│ (6 files)
├── c203516a49d48389826b041f4d7bd2d39bdf4a57
│ (6 files)
├── 00d03e9d1bf4ebaea380da3c62e9226189e39ff4
│ (5 files)
├── d9accd0a27c78b4333d70ee1a9d7dca0bcc3e682
│ (5 files)
├── 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d
│ (5 files)
└── 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5
(4 files)
Now the commit directories are hash names, it is harder to see which commit is
which, so here’s the directory listing where the commit directories have a
label from the Notes:
field in message.txt
├── working
│ (5 files)
├── staging
│ (5 files)
├── bd9dc5fb9aacf208536fad1fad22696c9a79e277 "Merged Josephine's changes"
│ (6 files)
├── 905376d349af193c367217712bc231186f17fca7 "Expand the introduction"
│ (6 files)
├── bee09a3b1c11456c6e1bc6784319954f40fef24b "More fun with fudge"
│ (6 files)
├── 9920fff7b55370a2c4c7566011de8aa2a263171f "Revert to original script & figure"
│ (6 files)
├── c203516a49d48389826b041f4d7bd2d39bdf4a57 "Add references"
│ (6 files)
├── 00d03e9d1bf4ebaea380da3c62e9226189e39ff4 "Change parameters of analysis"
│ (5 files)
├── d9accd0a27c78b4333d70ee1a9d7dca0bcc3e682 "Add another fudge factor"
│ (5 files)
├── 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d "Add first draft of paper"
│ (5 files)
└── 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5 "First backup of my amazing idea"
(4 files)
- Commit hash
The hash value for the file containing the commit message.
Gitwards 8: the development history is a graph¶
The commits are linked by the “Parents” field in the message.txt
file. We
can think of the commits in a graph, where the commits are the nodes, and the
links between the nodes come from the hashes in the “Parents” field.

Graph of development history for your SAP content management system. The
most recent commit is at the top, the first commit is at the bottom. Your
commits are in blue, Josephine’s are in pink. Each commit label has the
hash for the commit message, and the note in the message.txt
Gitwards 9: saving space with file hashes¶
While you’ve been working on your system, you’ve noticed that your snapshots
are not efficient on disk space. For example, every commit / snapshot has an
identical copy of the data expensive_data.csv
. If you had bigger files or
a longer development history, this could be a problem.
Likewise, fancy_figure.png
and clever_analysis.py
are the same for the
first two commits, and then again when you reverted to that copy in
(that is now commit 9920fff7b55370a2c4c7566011de8aa2a263171f
You can show these files are the same by checking their hash strings. If
their hash strings are different, the files must be different. All copies of
have the same hash, and are therefore identical:
$ shasum */expensive_data.csv
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf 00d03e9d1bf4ebaea380da3c62e9226189e39ff4/expensive_data.csv
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf 905376d349af193c367217712bc231186f17fca7/expensive_data.csv
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf 9920fff7b55370a2c4c7566011de8aa2a263171f/expensive_data.csv
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/expensive_data.csv
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d/expensive_data.csv
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf bd9dc5fb9aacf208536fad1fad22696c9a79e277/expensive_data.csv
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf bee09a3b1c11456c6e1bc6784319954f40fef24b/expensive_data.csv
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf c203516a49d48389826b041f4d7bd2d39bdf4a57/expensive_data.csv
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf d9accd0a27c78b4333d70ee1a9d7dca0bcc3e682/expensive_data.csv
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf staging/expensive_data.csv
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf working/expensive_data.csv
is the same for the first two commits, changes for the
third commit, and reverts back to the same contents at the 6th commit:
$ # First commit
$ shasum 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/fancy_figure.png
e8fe49b1faf23b428865d0315c4763c6ec459897 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/fancy_figure.png
$ # Second commit
$ shasum 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d/fancy_figure.png
e8fe49b1faf23b428865d0315c4763c6ec459897 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d/fancy_figure.png
$ # Third commit
$ shasum d9accd0a27c78b4333d70ee1a9d7dca0bcc3e682/fancy_figure.png
863cf24c03c6ab1eb33c1022d6fc8f7a2876875a d9accd0a27c78b4333d70ee1a9d7dca0bcc3e682/fancy_figure.png
$ # Sixth commit
$ shasum 9920fff7b55370a2c4c7566011de8aa2a263171f/fancy_figure.png
e8fe49b1faf23b428865d0315c4763c6ec459897 9920fff7b55370a2c4c7566011de8aa2a263171f/fancy_figure.png
You wonder if there is a way to store each unique version of the file just once, and make the commits point to the matching version.
First you make a new directory to store files generated from your commits:
$ mkdir repo
Next you make a sub-directory to store the unique copies of the files in commits:
$ mkdir repo/objects
You play with the idea of calling these unique versions something like
, repo/objects/fancy_figure.png.v2
so on. You would then need something like a text file called
in the first commit directory to say that the file
for this commit is available at
. This could be something like:
# directory_listing.txt in first commit
fancy_figure.png -> repo/objects/fancy_figure.png.v1
for the second commit would point to the same file,
but the third commit would have something like:
# directory_listing.txt in third commit
fancy_figure.png -> repo/objects/fancy_figure.png.v2
You quickly realize this is going to get messy when you are working with other
people, because you may store repo/objects/fancy_figure.png.v3
Josephine is also working on the figure, and is storing her own
. You need a unique file name for each
version of the file.
Now you have your second quite brilliant hashing idea. Why not use the hash of the file to make a unique file name?
For example, here are the hash values for the files in the first commit:
$ shasum 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/*
c25a0bd91a7e8eb574b17296a25111233eac94b5 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/clever_analysis.py
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/expensive_data.csv
e8fe49b1faf23b428865d0315c4763c6ec459897 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/fancy_figure.png
99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/message.txt
To store the unique copies, you copy each file in the first commit to
with a unique file name. The file name is the hash of the
file contents. For example, the hash for fancy_figure.png
. So, you do:
$ cp 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/fancy_figure.png repo/objects/e8fe49b1faf23b428865d0315c4763c6ec459897
The hash values for clever_analysis.py
and expensive_data.csv
and bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf
respectively, so:
$ cp 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/clever_analysis.py repo/objects/c25a0bd91a7e8eb574b17296a25111233eac94b5
$ cp 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/expensive_data.csv repo/objects/bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf
These hash values become the directory_listing.txt
for the first commit:
$ cat 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/directory_listing.txt
c25a0bd91a7e8eb574b17296a25111233eac94b5 clever_analysis.py
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf expensive_data.csv
e8fe49b1faf23b428865d0315c4763c6ec459897 fancy_figure.png
Finally, you can delete fancy_figure.png
, clever_analysis.py
in the first commit directory, because you have them
backed up in repo/objects
So far you haven’t gained anything much except some odd-looking filenames. The payoff comes when you apply the same procedure to the second commit. Here are the hashes for the files in the second commit:
$ shasum 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d/*
c25a0bd91a7e8eb574b17296a25111233eac94b5 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d/clever_analysis.py
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d/expensive_data.csv
e8fe49b1faf23b428865d0315c4763c6ec459897 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d/fancy_figure.png
9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d/message.txt
47eef829586738a0855060dc83f8e0781fbcac2c 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d/nobel_prize.md
Remember that, in the second commit, all you did was add the first draft of
the paper as nobel_prize.md
. So, all the other files in the second commit
(apart from message.txt
that you are not storing) are the same as for the
first commit, and therefore have the same hash. You already have these files
backed up in repo/objects
so all you need to do is point
at the original copies in repo/objects
For example, the hash for fancy_figure.png
in the second commit is
. When you are storing the files for the second commit
in repo/objects
, you notice that you already have a file
named e8fe49b1faf23b428865d0315c4763c6ec459897
in repo/objects
, so you do not copy it a
second time. By checking the hashes for each file in the commit, you find
that the only file you are missing is the new file nobel_prize.md
. This
has hash 47eef829586738a0855060dc83f8e0781fbcac2c
, so you do a single copy to repo/objects
$ # Only one copy needed to store files in second commit
$ cp 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d/nobel_prize.md repo/objects/47eef829586738a0855060dc83f8e0781fbcac2c
As before, you can make directory_listing.txt
for the second commit by
recording the hashes of the files:
$ cat 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d/directory_listing.txt
c25a0bd91a7e8eb574b17296a25111233eac94b5 clever_analysis.py
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf expensive_data.csv
e8fe49b1faf23b428865d0315c4763c6ec459897 fancy_figure.png
47eef829586738a0855060dc83f8e0781fbcac2c nobel_prize.md
Before you start this procedure of moving the unique copies into
, your whole nobel_prize
directory is size:
$ # Size of the contents of nobel_prize before moving to repo/objects
$ du -hs .
5.4M .
When you run the procedure above on every commit, moving files to
, you have this:
├── working
│ (5 files)
├── staging
│ (5 files)
├── repo
│ └── objects
│ ├── 18e92be4df9036826fc983c42e2e4fb5c6fed1cb [692B]
│ ├── 27e85e8f524a26a3a77f1c7ea631d6b2ad2b018a [251K]
│ ├── 47eef829586738a0855060dc83f8e0781fbcac2c [730B]
│ ├── 4e3c43a5c0d530fa0ba4305b3c52a9f7a4cb9140 [244B]
│ ├── 5840cded1e61d0a22c0e9f7d62de8c43ff47a402 [716B]
│ ├── 71892a8d170f113b778a9458cd6930abb387328f [238B]
│ ├── 80bf412d6273626674658862caebb131c2df8ddc [979B]
│ ├── 815bbcf64edacb6791cc2ebdc3afeb09797c9347 [181B]
│ ├── 863cf24c03c6ab1eb33c1022d6fc8f7a2876875a [239K]
│ ├── bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf [244K]
│ ├── c25a0bd91a7e8eb574b17296a25111233eac94b5 [618B]
│ ├── e8fe49b1faf23b428865d0315c4763c6ec459897 [183K]
│ ├── efb5308cc0f74a2515ce668adf237b28527fd2bc [279K]
│ └── f2e5e8c8122533fbc1da0684abe7e43471fe1674 [752B]
├── bd9dc5fb9aacf208536fad1fad22696c9a79e277 "Merged Josephine's changes"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [290B]
│ └── message.txt [173B]
├── 905376d349af193c367217712bc231186f17fca7 "Expand the introduction"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [290B]
│ └── message.txt [130B]
├── bee09a3b1c11456c6e1bc6784319954f40fef24b "More fun with fudge"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [290B]
│ └── message.txt [125B]
├── 9920fff7b55370a2c4c7566011de8aa2a263171f "Revert to original script & figure"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [290B]
│ └── message.txt [140B]
├── c203516a49d48389826b041f4d7bd2d39bdf4a57 "Add references"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [290B]
│ └── message.txt [120B]
├── 00d03e9d1bf4ebaea380da3c62e9226189e39ff4 "Change parameters of analysis"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [234B]
│ └── message.txt [135B]
├── d9accd0a27c78b4333d70ee1a9d7dca0bcc3e682 "Add another fudge factor"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [234B]
│ └── message.txt [130B]
├── 9bf4cdd8847feeb49fe94cb96298acf7986a587d "Add first draft of paper"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [297B]
│ └── message.txt [130B]
└── 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5 "First backup of my amazing idea"
├── directory_listing.txt [241B]
└── message.txt [87B]
The whole nobel_prize
directory is now smaller because you have no
duplicated files:
$ # Size of the contents of nobel_prize after moving to repo/objects
$ du -hs .
2.3M .
The advantage in size gets larger as your system grows, and you have more duplicated files.
Gitwards 10: making the commits unique¶
Up in Gitwards 7: naming commits from hashes you used the hash of message.txt
as a
nearly unique directory name for the commit. Your thinking was that it was
very unlikely that any two commits would have the same author, date, time, and
note. You have since added the Parents
field to message.txt
to make
it even more unlikely. But – it could still happen. You might be careless
and make another commit very quickly after the previous, and without a note.
You could even point back to the same parent.
You would like to be even more confident that the commit message is unique to the commit, including the contents of the files in the commit.
You now have a way of doing this. The directory_listing.txt
contain a list of hashes and corresponding file names for this commit
(snapshot). For example, here is directory_listing.txt
for the first
$ cat 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/directory_listing.txt
c25a0bd91a7e8eb574b17296a25111233eac94b5 clever_analysis.py
815bbcf64edacb6791cc2ebdc3afeb09797c9347 directory_listing.txt
bf2c7158afc60b244cba860fb0b2c04bb6481daf expensive_data.csv
e8fe49b1faf23b428865d0315c4763c6ec459897 fancy_figure.png
The contents of this file are (very nearly) unique to the contents of the
files in the snapshot. If any of the files changed, then the hash of the file
would change and the corresponding line in directory_listing.txt
change. If you renamed the file, the name of the file would change and the
corresponding line in directory_listing.txt
would change.
Now you know what to do. You take a hash of the directory_listing.txt
$ shasum 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/directory_listing.txt
85d49d8555aeb254d1d4acd377034772944a35fe 99b52473039acea4427e13e42b96c78776e2baf5/directory_listing.txt
You put this has into a new field in message.txt
called Directory
Date: April 1 2012, 14.30
Author: I. M. Awesome
Notes: First backup of my amazing idea
Directory hash: 85d49d8555aeb254d1d4acd377034772944a35fe
Now, if any file in the commit changes, directory_listing.txt
will change,
and so its hash will change, and so message.txt
will change.
Now you’ve added the Directory hash
field to messsage.txt
you have
also changed the hash values of the message.txt
files. Because you’ve
changed the hashes of the message.txt
files, you go back through your
commits updating the parent hashes to the new ones, and renaming the commit
directories with the new hashes. You end up with this:
├── working
│ (5 files)
├── staging
│ (5 files)
├── repo
│ (1 directory)
├── f46773cff294d07a331a6aa0ee32b3615cb009b8 "Merged Josephine's changes"
│ (2 files)
├── 505228057403295fdc16888bed49515a7c1d80a1 "Expand the introduction"
│ (2 files)
├── 5bdbf9b8ac9e998a95495e2d7ae370242c267c52 "More fun with fudge"
│ (2 files)
├── 41234bea0657aecaa234cee2b146051f90062078 "Revert to original script & figure"
│ (2 files)
├── c1072adf649f3ec439e6925af01251b9ccd91410 "Add references"
│ (2 files)
├── 917fb4cfe6c5d13bd4efbac1b54b26ae2967c839 "Change parameters of analysis"
│ (2 files)
├── 2eb0b1ea04d70129e4a4e219e8d51e10effdb8fe "Add another fudge factor"
│ (2 files)
├── 117e7de8e27a54104f7a08d0f75b9ca214eaccb3 "Add first draft of paper"
│ (2 files)
└── 9c0b782981cc2ee322ec4b595dc472799f8808bd "First backup of my amazing idea"
(2 files)
With your new system, if any two commits have the same message.txt
they also have the same date, author, note, parents and file contents. They
are therefore exactly the same commit.
The commit message is unique to the contents of the files in the snapshot (because of the directory hash) and unique to its previous history (because of the parent hash(es)).
Gitwards 11: away with the snapshot directories¶
You are reflecting on your idea about hashing the directory listing, and your
eye falls idly on the current directory tree of nobel_prize
├── working
│ (5 files)
├── staging
│ (5 files)
├── repo
│ └── objects
│ (14 files)
├── f46773cff294d07a331a6aa0ee32b3615cb009b8 "Merged Josephine's changes"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [290B]
│ └── message.txt [230B]
├── 505228057403295fdc16888bed49515a7c1d80a1 "Expand the introduction"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [290B]
│ └── message.txt [187B]
├── 5bdbf9b8ac9e998a95495e2d7ae370242c267c52 "More fun with fudge"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [290B]
│ └── message.txt [182B]
├── 41234bea0657aecaa234cee2b146051f90062078 "Revert to original script & figure"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [290B]
│ └── message.txt [197B]
├── c1072adf649f3ec439e6925af01251b9ccd91410 "Add references"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [290B]
│ └── message.txt [177B]
├── 917fb4cfe6c5d13bd4efbac1b54b26ae2967c839 "Change parameters of analysis"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [234B]
│ └── message.txt [192B]
├── 2eb0b1ea04d70129e4a4e219e8d51e10effdb8fe "Add another fudge factor"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [234B]
│ └── message.txt [187B]
├── 117e7de8e27a54104f7a08d0f75b9ca214eaccb3 "Add first draft of paper"
│ ├── directory_listing.txt [297B]
│ └── message.txt [187B]
└── 9c0b782981cc2ee322ec4b595dc472799f8808bd "First backup of my amazing idea"
├── directory_listing.txt [241B]
└── message.txt [144B]
It occurs to you that you can move the directory_listing.txt
files into your repo/objects
directory. When you have
done that, you can get rid of the commit directories entirely.
First you take the hash of each directory_listing.txt
and move it into the
directory as you did for the other files:
$ shasum 9c0b782981cc2ee322ec4b595dc472799f8808bd/directory_listing.txt
85d49d8555aeb254d1d4acd377034772944a35fe 9c0b782981cc2ee322ec4b595dc472799f8808bd/directory_listing.txt
$ cp 9c0b782981cc2ee322ec4b595dc472799f8808bd/directory_listing.txt repo/objects/85d49d8555aeb254d1d4acd377034772944a35fe
Then you do the same for the message.txt
$ cp 9c0b782981cc2ee322ec4b595dc472799f8808bd/message.txt repo/objects/9c0b782981cc2ee322ec4b595dc472799f8808bd
There are 9 commits, so there are 9 x 2 new files with
hash filenames in repo/objects
(a hashed copy of directory_listing.txt
and message.txt
for each commit).
Now you don’t need the snapshot directories at all, because the hashed files
in repo/objects
have all the information about the snapshots.
├── working
│ (5 files)
├── staging
│ (5 files)
└── repo
└── objects
(32 files)
In git as in your SAP content management system, a repository
directory stores all the data from the snapshots. In your case that
directory is repo
. For git, it will be a directory called .git
Gitwards 12: where am I?¶
You have one last problem to face – where is your latest commit?
When your snapshot directory names had numbers, like snapshot_8
, you could
use the numbers to find the most recent commit. Now all you have is a
directory called repo/objects
with unhelpful file names made from hashes.
Which of these files has your latest commit?
You could write down the latest commit hash on a piece of paper, after you make the commit, but this sounds like a job better done by a computer.
So, when you make a new commit, you store the hash for that commit in a file
called repo/my_bookmark
. It is a text file with the hash string as
contents. Your last commit was f46773cff294d07a331a6aa0ee32b3615cb009b8
, so
has contents:
$ cat repo/my_bookmark
You can imagine that, when Josephine is working on the same set of files, she
might want her own bookmark, maybe in a file called josephines-bookmark
You keep track of the latest commit in a particular sequence by storing the latest commit hash in a bookmark file. In git this bookmark is called a branch.
You are on the on-ramp¶
You now know all the main ideas in git. Follow me then to Curious git to see these ideas come to life in your actual git.