Michael Brett
From Christiana Payne’s biography of John brett p 109, Michael born on July 1871.
See Michael’s Wikisource data. This suggests his BMD birth record.
From the 1893 book Oxford Men 1880-1892, by Joseph Foster:
Brett, Michael, born at Roehampton, Surrey, 23 July, 1871 ; IS, John, A.R.A. New Coll., matric. 10 Oct. . 90, aged 19, from Winchester
The Wikisource page has the following:
The Standard (London, England), Wednesday, November 18, 1896; pg. 4; Issue 22585. (363 words) — CALLS TO THE BAR. states of New College, Oxford
His parents were John Brett and Mary Howcroft.
Michael Brett married Nellie Mary Lee in early 1902.
Wikisource notes Michael’s occupation as “Barrister, Secretary Of Company” in the 1911 census.
There is a page on Michael at ancestry.co.uk.
He died on 9 December 1943, with probate:
BRETT Michael of Hangerlea Stansted-road Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire died 9 December 1943 at Teignmouth Devonshire Probate Llandudno 17 April to Nellie Mary Brett widow. Effects £6622 7s. 2d.